
Scientists Develop Camera System that Captures ‘5D’ Images

An international team of scientists has developed an experimental camera system that can simultaneously capture five dimensions of information from a single snapshot. The concept works by combining two types of sensors together to gather a wealth of information all at the same time.

Why I Might Hate These Old Negatives

Pinball machines; depending on your age, you might know all about them. Once, considered so evil that New York City banned them. Wasted youths (juvenile delinquents) spent days and nights hanging out in pinball palaces. They were so ubiquitous, “The Who” even made them a central part of their rock opera, “Tommy.”

5 Simple Tips to Improve Your Landscape Photography

Landscape photographer and YouTuber Mads Peter Iversen is back with a short list of helpful tips that can help you break the mold and improve your landscape photography. These tips will be particularly helpful for beginners who feel their work is already growing stale.

Dad Captures Time-Lapse ‘Portrait’ of His Daughter from Birth to Age 20

Every couple of years for the past eight, Dutch artist and filmmaker Frans Hofmeester has released a time-lapse "portrait" of his daughter Lotte and his son Vince that contained one second of video captured every week of their life from birth until the present day. This year, Lotte turned 20, and Hofmeester once again updated his viral creation.

TIME’s Latest Cover Photo is a Drone Photo of 958 Drones

TIME magazine's latest issue is a special report on the rapid explosion of drones in our culture. For the cover photo, TIME recreated its iconic logo and red border using 958 illuminated drones hovering in the sky. It's the first-ever TIME cover captured with a camera drone.

A Black and White Comparison: What Does Retouching Tell Us About Photojournalism?

This week, TIME magazine published James Nachtwey’s photo essay on the opioid crisis. Over his decades-long career, Nachtwey has carved out a reputation as a stoic and relentless documentarian of conflict and pain. His latest effort took over a year to produce, and it has all the hallmarks of great photojournalism, providing a level of intimacy and rawness that can only be captured with persistence and skill.

I Said No to TIME’s Request for Free ‘User-Generated Content’

I’ve been a professional photojournalist for 24 years and I’ve seen major changes in my industry. I’ve gone from film to digital. I’ve seen the reduction of staff, the reduction of print pages, and even the complete shut down of newspapers and magazines. And I’ve been at the forefront of the explosion of the World Wide Web and digital content.

Sony a7R III Named a Top 10 Gadget of 2017 by TIME

Sony sparked a great deal of excitement when it announced its blazing fast full-frame a9 camera in April, but somehow it managed to make an even bigger splash with its a7R III unveiling in October. In addition to fantastic reviews coming out about it, the a7R III just got another solid vote of approval: TIME just selected it as one of the top 10 gadgets of 2017.

TIME’s Latest Cover Photos were Shot on the iPhone

TIME magazine's latest issue features a special project titled FIRSTS, which features profiles of 46 influential women who are changing the world. For the photography in the project, TIME recruited 28-year-old Brazilian photographer Luisa Dörr to shoot 46 portraits and 12 cover photos using an iPhone.

Meet Michael McCoy, the Veteran Who Fights PTSD with Photography

Michael McCoy, at age 34, has had two tours in Iraq over five years with the United States Army, and spent time at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, MD. He was medically discharged from the Army in 2008, and has been receiving treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

I Reshot Old Photos to See How China Has Changed Over 100 Years

When most people travel, they think of travelling to a destination. Whether it’s climbing Mt. Fuji, gawking at the frescoes in the Vatican, or relishing spicy cuisine in Thailand, most people think of the destination for what it has to offer, from culture to scenery to sensational experiences.