
Confessions of a Failed Eclipse Photographer

I’ve dreamed of seeing a total eclipse of the sun all my life. When I read there would be one on August 21st that passed dead-center over the town of Newberry, South Carolina, I was overjoyed. This was my chance. My wife and I had lived in Newberry in 2013. I had friends there. I had a place to stay. I wouldn’t need to pay $1,000 for a hotel.

I Gave Up Painting to Do Photography, And It Shows in My Work

Painting and photography are often considered similar artistic expressions. Henri Cartier-Bresson was a painter before he became a photographer, and became a painter again in his retirement. While his artistic sense informed his photography in terms of his ability to see the world in constantly changing light and compositional potential, he never considered photography as art.

An Open Letter to Nikon from a Time-Lapse Photographer

Dear Nikon,

I am writing as a longtime Nikon photographer and someone who has been working extensively with your cameras and who has written many reviews in the past years. I have been shooting in the area of timelapse photography for many years now, and have given many workshops and training sessions.

5 Reasons Landscape Photographers Have a Screw Loose

My name is Scott Davenport, and I'm a landscape photographer. And I'm part of a crazy lot. I had this realization during a sleep deprived afternoon. My hazy mind was trying to get me through the rest of the day. It was also trying to comprehend how I arrived at the miserable state I was in.

Why Camera Gear Costs What It Costs

In the last couple of weeks, my little brand, 3 Legged Thing, launched a brand new Universal L Bracket, the QR11. For the most part, the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

Why Photographers Fail

Recently there has been a spate of very sad, and ultimately defeatist articles decrying the “death of photography.” We have no shortage of examples. Seriously.

Why B&W is Still the Favorite of Street Photographers

Black-and-white still remains the photographer’s favorite for street photographers, and with very good reason. Where in other genres monochrome has become a niche look, street photography is different. Why does B&W remain the favorite choice of street photographers, and are there logical reasons to go for it?

PSA: No, Blockchain Doesn’t Replace Copyright Registration

If you’ve heard of Bitcoin, then you’re peripherally familiar with blockchain. Blockchain is a distributed database technology that creates a public ledger of every transaction within the system – perfect for cryptocurrencies that lack a central issuing bank.

What Makes a Photographer?

In an age where everyone has a camera in their pocket and fashion magazine covers are being shot with iPhones, what makes a photographer? Erik Wahlstrom muses on what he calls ‘the democratization of photography’ in this 5-minute video.

This Experiment Shows How Negative Thoughts Can Impact Your Photos

As a photographer you're probably quite a creative person, and no doubt you are therefore critical of your own work. The 'inner critic' is that voice in your head, badgering you and questioning your decisions behind the camera. Canon Australia conducted an experiment to show the effect your inner critic can have when you allow it to take hold.

‘Photographers’, Don’t Pee In My Pool

Imagine, if you will, that the photography industry is a very large swimming pool. Not one of those backyard models, but rather an Olympic sized pool. And this very large pool is filled with photographers. However, we will call them swimmers, as that’s how analogies work.

Should Photography Be Relaxing?

What’s the difference between a hobby, and a job? Ignoring money, of course, I’d say that a hobby’s primary purpose is entertainment and relaxation, whereas a job’s primary purpose is to produce value. And yet, defying common sense, photographers seem to have this reversed.

Shooting with ACROS Film Simulation in the Fujifilm X-Pro2

I hear a lot of photographers slamming others for not shooting RAW. So I decided to go against that for a month and shoot JPEG only using Fujifilm's ACROS Film Simulation and share my results. Interestingly, I've found that I'm actually enjoying taking photographs more.

Remembering the Canon 1D Mk II, The Only Camera That Got Me a Date

I dropped it because I was drunk. It was a brand new Canon EOS-1D Mark II, and I was drunk because I hadn't eaten any dinner. It fell from hip-height onto the sand-covered floor of a shipping container, which had been converted into a tiki bar at an outdoor music festival. It was 2005 -- tiki bars were a thing back then.

How I Made $1,254.93 in Four Months by Selling Stock Photos on EyeEm

My name is Michael Zwahlen, and I’m a photographer based in Germany. I want to share how I earn money through EyeEm. In the first four months of 2017 alone, the royalties I received through them added up to $1,254.93 and I’m hopeful this will continue to improve.

Photography Competitions: Are They Even Worth It?

I was sitting in my dorm room at Arizona State University. To my left I had my XBox on (as it was pretty much 24/7) with some racing game on pause. In front of me I had my future, for I was entering a photography competition that I believed would make me famous and rich beyond my wildest dreams.

The Photographer vs. The Internet

ME: I don’t want to be a dick but could you please stop using my image on your website?


Every Photo Comes with Built-In Debt, or: The Ethics of Photography

We tend to treat the ethics of taking photographs in a very much black and white fashion. We judge "He should never have shot that" or alternatively "She is on firm ground shooting that, it is OK" and then arguments revolve around that, never resolving anything.

Stop Taking Photos

Nestled within the Seto Inland Sea in Japan sits the island of Naoshima, population 3,583. The island would be otherwise unknown to outsiders except that in the mid 80s, publisher Testuhiko Fukutake and Naoshima mayor Chikatsugu Miyake dreamed up an idea of making the island a cultural center.

Is Photography the Best Educator? Here’s Why I Think So

It’s been said that in 2017, everyone is a photographer, and from the unrelenting firehose of pictures that fill every inch of digital real estate and social media these days, I can see why folks would think that.

The Faded Vintage Film Look is a Lie

Two years ago, I published an article that took a lighthearted approach to making fun of the major wedding photograph image processing trends of the day. In today's post, I will discuss the vintage film look at length.

Is Street Photography Killing Itself?

Is the most egalitarian form of photography, ‘street photography’, being destroyed by its own popularity? Is such a thing even possible? I won’t profess to have a clear answer to this question, but I do have some thoughts. Those thoughts may turn into a rant, but I'll try to contain myself!