
A Poker Hand Ranking of Street Photo Compositions

I thought I'd have a bit of fun when out shooting the street, so I started naming my street compositions according to winning hands when playing cards. So from a truly exceptional hand (a brilliant composition filled with complexity) to the simplest card (a simple snapshot of a straightforward subject).

Photo Series Documents the Experience of Everyday Life in Uganda

When difficulties due to local unrest as well as COVID-19 complications prevented my wife and me from being able to visit the Congo and photograph the local gorilla population, an unforeseen opportunity presented itself to go to Uganda instead, and I jumped at the chance.

Hands On: Street Photography with the Ricoh GR3 in Japan

I've always tried to create visual content with the highest possible quality and resolution, paying a lot of attention to detail and composition. In the beginning of my career that meant using large and medium formats, but lately, one of my favorite cameras is quite the opposite.

Street Photography is Alive and Well in Taipei

In most parts of the world, life has turned upside-down over the past few months. People are staying in their homes, freedom of movement is restricted, schools, parks, restaurants and many shops remain closed, and businesses are suffering.

The Eye Contact Conundrum in Street Photography

There are so many factors to potentially juggle for any given street/documentary situation that eye contact for me tends to fall a bit to chance -- if it happens it happens and if it doesn’t it doesn’t. It is rarely something I feel makes or breaks an image, but more frequently I’ve been thinking about what specific function working to achieve (or deliberately avoid) eye contact could offer to my photographs.

This Guy Tried Using a 200-600mm Lens for Street Photography

Photographer and YouTuber Evan Ranft recently decided to try something unusual. He wanted to see what would happen if he tried to use a 200-600mm lens for... street photography. And while the idea might sound silly on the face of it, you may be surprised by some of the results.

Watch New Yorkers Get Surprised with Polaroid Street Photos of Themselves

Brooklyn-based photographer Josh Katz made this 11-minute video of a social experiment he did on the streets of New York City to "turn street photography on its head." Instead of shooting photos of strangers and walking away with the images, Katz shot Polaroids of people, handed them the picture to keep, and then tried to strike up conversations as the prints developed.

Shooting Like Bruce Gilden Is Harder Than It Looks

Bruce Gilden is one of the top street photographers of our generation. He’s controversial, talented and he has his own style… so there’s no question as to why some might want to emulate him.

The Color Photography of Vivian Maier

Vivian Maier is the nanny and American street photographer who posthumously became internationally famous after a 26-year-old real estate agent bought a box of 30,000 of her negatives at an estate sale for $400 in 2007. In addition to her captivating black-and-white photos, Maier also captured color images, some of which are being published in a book for the first time ever.

Daydreamers: Street Photos of People with Closed Eyes

As a street photographer, I like catching those quiet moments of solitude people have amidst the busy and hectic life of the metropolis. That's how my Daydreamers series was born. While combing through my archives and Instagram posts, I noticed I had a lot of photos of people with their eyes shut.

Cinematic Street Photos of Japan by Day and by Night

I fell in love with Japan. Deeply. The culture, the clean streets, the friendly and respectful people and the full spectrum of experience that it offers. From high rise cities to quaint, beautiful gardens and temples. All within walking distance of each other.

Photos of Loneliness in New York City

Photographer Luc Kordas first moved from Europe to New York City in 2014 after living in six different countries in six different years. Since then, he has made his living as a photographer while doing street photography for himself. And one of the recurring subjects he has captured is the idea of loneliness in a big city.

The 19-Year-Old Who Shot Spy Camera Street Photos in the 1890s

Carl Størmer was a Norwegian mathematician and physicist who's best known for number theory and studying auroras. Aside from his intellectual pursuits, Størmer was also an avid street photographer. When he was a 19-year-old college student, he used a hidden spy camera to shoot street photos in Norway in the 1890s.

The Street Photography of Rinzi Ruiz

Rinzi Ruiz is a talented photographer who discovered his passion for street photography on the sidewalks of downtown Los Angeles. Here's a great 4-minute interview with Ruiz by StreetShootr about his mindset and work.

Street Photography in Sri Lanka with the Fujifilm X-Pro2

Street photography is a huge passion for us as well as essential development training for our wedding work. Each year we make multiple short excursions to cities across the world to see what we can find on the streets and one big, extended trip to give us a chance to really try and find the essence and soul of a particular city, country or culture.

40 of the Best Street Photos of 2016 by Photographers Around the World

2016 was a very interesting year for street photography. It seems that more and more color work is getting popular. Especially in scenes with high contrast light, color images seem to be on equal footing with their colorless counterparts.

Photographer Tracks Down Strangers He Shot 40 Years Ago

Starting about 40 years ago, photographer Chris Porsz began shooting street portraits of strangers he met in his hometown of Peterborough in England. For the past few years, Porsz has been tracking down those subjects and asking them to pose for recreations of those decades-old photos. The ambitious project is titled Reunions.

After Years in Prison, Man Emerges a Talented Street Photographer

Donato Di Camillo's "how I got into photography" story is different. You won't hear it's like at the camera store check out counter, and we can pretty much guarantee it's nothing like yours. That's because Di Camillo developed his passion for photography behind bars.

Don’t Take My Picture: Street Photography and Public Privacy

“Hey, don’t take our picture!” a young woman yelled out from her group to me a few days ago. I told her I didn’t take their photo—and it was true, I was just facing them playing Pokémon Go on my phone as many others were also doing in the park that day. But, often I am doing just that.

This Photographer Spent Two Years on the Streets of Paris

Photographer Ludgero Filipe recently spent two years living in Paris, shooting tourist portraits to make money while roaming the city for street photography. The 5-minute video above is a short film with some memories and some of his favorite photos from his time there.

Street Photography in Cuba Through a Wedding Photographer’s Lens

My name is Ross Harvey, and I'm an international destination wedding photographer based in the UK. I just back from two weeks shooting street photography in Cuba, and it was a wonderful experience that I'd like to share with you.

Street Photographs of NYC, as Captured by a 0.1MP Game Boy Camera

Released in September of 1998, the Game Boy Camera was actual deemed the world's smallest digital camera by none other than the Guinness Book of World Records in its heyday. Created to be an official accessory of the then-revolutionary Nintendo Game Boy device, the camera was capable of capturing images with a resolution of, hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen, 256x224 pixels.

On Traveling to Iran as an American Street Photographer

Photographer Brandon Stanton has generated quite a bit of attention in the photo world through his project Humans of New York, which features thousands of portraits that form a visual census of the city. His goal is to capture 10,000 portraits of New Yorkers that are associated with points on a map.

Stanton recently visited the country of Iran to shoot similar portraits of its inhabitants. He tells us that by visiting the country as a tourist rather than a press member, he was able to get a "remarkable amount of access" in order to create a beautiful collection of intimate street portraits.

Street Photos Shot Through Puddles

Reflections is a series of photographs by New York-based fine art photographer Ira Fox. Shot through the reflections seen in puddles on their ground, they show shadows of passers-by as they cross paths with Fox on a rainy day.