
Judge Jackson

Behind the Viral Photo of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Daughter

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first Black woman confirmed to the Supreme Court, was being grilled at the Senate confirmation hearings. Her 17-year-old daughter was in attendance and beamed with pride as she watched her mother bravely tackle the often-hostile questioning. This split-second moment between daughter and mother was captured by The New York Times fellow Sarahbeth Maney and went viral.

Canyonlands National Park in 1988

Photographing Canyonlands in 1988: Land of Standing Rocks

In 1991, near the end of some book projects that took me on some lengthy photographic journeys through the American West by car for two years, I came up with the idea of creating posters of some of my black and white images for a few of our western National Parks.

A Lucky Photo of an Unlucky Duck

I should go out and buy a lottery ticket. Last week, I took advantage of Nikon’s 10% off sale on refurbished gear to get a great deal on their 500mm f/5.6 PF lens. Did I need it? No. But I’ve been lusting over its compact size and light weight since it came out, so finally pulled the trigger and bought one.

Dunes and Clouds: Photographing Symmetry in the Desert

In 1991, near the end of some book projects that took me on some lengthy photographic journeys through the American West by car for two years, I came up with the idea of creating posters of some of my black and white images for a few of our western National Parks.

Moon Over Zabriskie Point, or: Seeing Photos in a New Light

In 1991, near the end of some book projects that took me on some lengthy photographic journeys through the American West by car for two years, I came up with the idea of creating posters of some of my black and white images for a few of our western National Parks.

Google Buys Photographer’s Shot of Seagull Chomping on a Fry

You never know when one of your photos may catch the eye of one of the largest companies in the world, but social media services these days help bridge the gap between photographers and brands. That's how one amateur photographer recently caught Google's eye with a snapshot of a seagull eating a fry.

‘Bad’ Weather Rewards Photographer with Stunning Graduation Photos

Canadian freelance photographer Christy Turner recently ran into a bit of good luck in the form of some "bad" weather. In the aftermath of a violent thunderstorm on the day of a graduation shoot, nature rewarded her with a spectacular backdrop of mammatus clouds ... and a rainbow to boot.

My Photo Shoot with Mike Tyson

Every so often a photo shoot comes along that both excites you and terrifies you at the same time. Today’s article is about one such experience.

This Magical Rain Photo of Harry and Meghan Was Lit by a Stranger’s Flash

A magical photograph of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle beaming at each other under an umbrella has been going viral over the past few days after the couple's first appearance together in public after they stepped back as senior members of the Royal Family (popularly called "Megxit"). Now the photographer behind the shot is sharing details of how it was made.

How That Viral ‘Trump’s Notes’ Photo Was Shot

On Wednesday, President Trump spoke briefly to the media about the ongoing impeachment inquiry hearings on Capitol Hill while leaving the White House for Texas. Getty Images photographer Mark Wilson was in attendance, and he managed to capture a photo of Trump's notes that instantly went viral around the world.

The Clash of Palladium and Silver

September 21st, 1979. Forty years ago, British rock photographer, Pennie Smith immortalized the destruction of a Fender P-Bass guitar by Paul Simonon of The Clash on the stage of The Palladium in New York City, on gorgeous B&W 35mm film.

One of the Most Iconic Kissing Photos Was Staged

What's up, photography fans? It's Martin here from All About Street Photography, and today I want to talk about the story behind the famous photo Le baiser de l'hôtel de ville (Kiss by the Town Hall) by French photographer Robert Doisneau.

How NASA’s Iconic ‘Earthrise’ Photo Was Shot

"Earthrise" is an iconic photo of Earth rising up from the Moon's horizon that's considered one of the most important environmental photos ever made. Here's a fascinating 3-minute visualization by NASA that recreates how the photo was shot in real-time.

The Story Behind That IKEA Photo of Amsterdam

VILSHULT is an IKEA ready-to-hang photo of Amsterdam that has been sold over 427,000 times. After many of my friends asked me why I bought such a "mediocre" photo for my living room, I decided to find out how this photo was made and how it ended up on IKEA's shelves and in almost half a million households. What I learned was fascinating.

The Story Behind Ansel Adams’ Iconic ‘Moonrise, Hernandez’

The Ansel Adams Gallery made this 4-minute video about Ansel Adams' Moonrise, Hernandez, a photo the gallery calls Adams' "most famous and iconic image." Sales director Brittany Moorefield shares the story behind the photo while presenting an ultra-rare mural-sized print from the early 1970s.

This Eclipse Photo Was Shot from a Commercial Plane at 39,000ft

Photographers across the country pointed their cameras at the Sun during "The Great American Eclipse" on August 21st, 2017, but photographer Jon Carmichael managed to capture one of the most memorable shots from an unusual vantage point: he was sitting on a commercial airliner at 39,000 feet.

A Photo of My Girlfriend, the Lunar Eclipse, Mars, and the Milky Way

I normally love to plan my photos and I would have liked to plan a cool shot with yesterday’s moon eclipse. However, when I planned my current trip to Kyrgyzstan, I didn’t realize I would be there with the lunar eclipse of 2018 (bad planning, I know).

How I Captured a Wasp Paralyzing a Tarantula

I'm a bug enthusiast and macro photographer, and I was recently fortunate enough to photograph a wasp fighting a tarantula. It felt like winning the lottery.

How I Wait Years to Get My Photos

Landscape photography takes a lot of patience. When we share shots on the Internet, people often don't realize how much effort can go into creating some of them. I'm often told, "you’re always at the right place at the right time." And yes, I am sometimes at the right place at the right time, but it took me lots of effort and sometimes a bit of luck!

The Story Behind that Viral Photo of a Toddler Crying at the Border

One of the most viral and talked about photos this week is of a 2-year-old daughter looking up and crying at her mother at the US-Mexico border. The Honduran mother and child were being taken into custody by federal agents when they were photographed by Getty Images photographer John Moore, who shares the story behind the shot in the 7-minute CNN interview above.

I Let Hundreds of Mosquitos Bite Me to Get the Perfect Photo

Like most good stories, this one is made of blood, sweat, and tears. Well, maybe just blood and sweat. And clicks -- lots of them. Blood, sweat, and clicks... If you have a fear of blood or find mosquitos disgusting, read on at your own risk.

How I Shot the Super Blue Blood Moon Rising in the London Skyline

Supermoons attract a lot of media attention. You’ll struggle to scroll through your newsfeed without reading about a big upcoming lunar event, especially if you're following any of the photography news feeds. I recently photographed the super blue blood moon rising from the London skyline.

The Story Behind That Iconic Portrait of Steve Jobs

Photographer Albert Watson is the man behind the iconic photo of Steve Jobs that is seen all over the Internet and on the cover of the Steve Jobs biography written by Walter Isaacson. In this 2-minute video from Profoto, Watson shares a delightful peek into the shoot itself.

A Drone Photo of Trees Knocked Down After a Storm

Earlier this month, a storm named Xavier pounded Europe and caused extensive damage. A day after the storm, photographer Julian Stratenschulte took his camera drone out and captured this beautiful and slightly disorienting photo showing a row of trees that were knocked down, from a bird's-eye view.