
Photographer Goes Stop-Motion Skiing on His Living Room Floor

Barcelona-based photographer, filmmaker, and skiier Philipp Klein Herrero was going to go on a ski trip with his family before lockdown hit and they all got stuck inside. But Herrero decided to go skiing anyway... on his living room floor, that is.

When Living a Dream, Make Sure It’s Your Own

There comes a point where the living for the weekend becomes such an obsession that it’s time to build a life around the driving passion. Life isn’t supposed to be lived in two day chunks followed by 5 days of monotony and anticipation. It’s supposed to be chased, squeezed, challenged and loved, every single day.

BTS: Ultra-Stable MoVI Footage Shot While Flying Through the Air on Skis

The MōVI freefly systems are very expensive, there's no denying that. But when you see this behind the scenes video and the footage that the Red Bull Media House was able to capture with it while the camera man launched off massive jumps and flew through the air on skis, you'll never wonder whether or not it's worth it again.

Stunning Photos of the European Alps that Inspire Awe and Envy

If you live in a place that's not likely to see snow this winter, or you're bitter that the white Christmas you've been dreaming of decided to remain a dream, these stunning photos of the European Alps by Swedish photographer Jacob Sjöman will either ease the pain, or make you incredibly jealous. Either way, they're worth a look.

Photographing Extreme Skiing in the Alps

Here's a beautiful behind-the-scenes video that takes us on an adventure with Magnum photographer Jonas Bendiksen as he shoots extreme skiing at the foot of Mont Blanc. Bendiksen was testing the Leica S2 medium-format DSLR -- typically thought of as a studio camera -- to see how it stands up in harsh outdoor environments.