
Stunning Photographs of Rain Drop-Covered Flowers After a Storm

Digital media designer and, for at least the last two years, photographer Bettina Güber recently shot a series of photographs that are stunning in their simplicity. Not overdone or over-processed, they're simply photos of flowers and leaves from her backyard, covered in rain drops from the storm that recently passed through.

Check Out What Happens When the $6,000 Nikon D4 is Left Exposed in a Storm

Modern flagship DSLRs are generally designed to be extremely weather and water resistent, but it's still not a good idea to leave them exposed for a long period of time to anything more than a light drizzle. What happens, though, if you do?

Lebanese photographer Alexy Joffre Frangieh found out for all of us yesterday after his $6,000 Nikon D4 was left in a storm for over 16 hours.

Braveheart’s Legacy: A Landscape Photo Series by Kilian Schönberger

Fascinated by the landscape and the mystical mood of the movie "Braveheart," Scotland is always on my mind when it comes to mystical mountainous landscape photography. So I was happy that I found two fellow photographers who were willing to accompany me for a two-weeks road trip to the Scottish Highlands.

Brolly Umbrella Has Finger Hole Grip Lets You Shoot in the Rain

If you're the type of person who prefers umbrellas to rain ponchos, you might prefer the Brolly rain umbrella to rain covers when using your camera in wet weather. It features a special finger hole grip handle that frees up the fingers that would otherwise be clutching the umbrella, allowing you to use your cameras more naturally without getting wet.

Make a Ridiculously Simple Camera Rain Jacket Using Gore-Tex and Rubber Bands

When it comes to protecting our gear, we tend to go for the expensive because, as they say, "you get what you pay for." But once in a while, a simple idea that helps you save a few bucks may not be such a bad thing.

We've shared a few DIY rain guards before -- they usually involved some sort of clear plastic bag and tape -- and even though those were simple enough in their own right, HDSLRNOW's makeshift rain cover makes them all seem a bit complicated.

Starry Street Photos of Chicago Captured Using an Off-Camera Flash

Japanese photographer Satoki Nagata moved to Chicago in 1992 to document the city and its people. His background is in neuroscience (he has a PhD in the field), but his passion is creating intimate documentary photography projects in his city.

During a recent winter, Nagata decided to try his hand at using a flash for street photography at night. Instead of mounting his flash to his camera, however, he decided to use it off camera. Combined with the light rain and falling snow, the flash turned many of his photographs into abstract and surreal images that almost look as though he overlaid photographs of stars.

A Creative Light Painting Photograph That Makes Sparks Look Like Rain

After seeing an online tutorial on steel wool light painting, photographer Simon Berger found a friend to model for him and went out to try his hand at the technique. After some initial success, he started brainstorming creative ideas that he hadn't seen before. The result of the brainstorming was this stunning shot that makes the sparks from a burning piece of steel wool look like rain falling on an umbrella.

Rain Photographs by Navid Baraty

New York-based photographer Navid Baraty has a series of incredibly beautiful rain photographs made in San Francisco and Japan. We first came across the photograph above, titled "Rain Dance", in Pictory's "San Francisco" showcase. It was taken in San Francisco's Union Square with a Nikon D700. There's just something about the composition and lighting that blew us away.