
Adapting a Huge Vintage Kodak Slide Projector Lens for Photography

Browsing through an antique shop, I stumbled upon a Kodak slide projector with a very peculiar attachment: a large lens. This particular lens caught my eye as it was an absolute behemoth. It was heavy and had “ISCO GERMANY” engraved into it.

13 Tips for Shooting Sharp Landscape Photos with a Telephoto Lens

Landscape photography is often associated, or even equated, with the use of wide-angle lenses, however, this can lead to formulaic compositions. Telephoto lenses may seem like the province of wildlife photography, but alternating with them brings new creative opportunities for landscape photography.

Review: The Viltrox AF 23mm f/1.4 for Fujifilm X is a Superb Value

Until recently, if you were a Fujifilm X-Series camera owner, your options for fast prime lenses (f/1.4 or wider) were limited to (relatively) expensive options from Fujinon, or less expensive third-party manual focus lenses.

Review: Is the Nikon Z 14-24mm f/2.8 S the Ultimate Nightscape Lens?

My name is Daniel Stein, and I am a passionate astro and nightscape photographer living on the East Coast of the USA. I’m an avid hiker and backpacker and love to get out and shoot whenever I can. Photography is my escape, and it’s also my story.

Review of the Fujifilm XF 16-80mm f/4 R OIS WR Lens

I’m a big fan of zoom lenses. For my photography and budget, they provide great value and versatility, and modern zoom lenses sacrifice little, if any, image quality compared to prime lenses.

Photography Instructor Bans Kit Lenses

It's often said that "the best camera is the one that's with you," but one college photography instructor doesn't seem to agree: she has banned the students in her course from using kit lenses.

What It’s Like to Photograph a Global Launch Campaign for Tamron

Most people don’t actually know what it means when I say I’m a “travel photographer,” it is usually met with a confused look and followed up by some variation of the question, "do you mean you travel for free?” or “who even pays you to travel?”