
This Iranian Music Streaming Site is Photoshopping Women Out of Their Own Album Covers

Iranian music streaming website Melovaz is under fire today after it was discovered that, in accordance with the country's strict censorship policies, the site is forced to Photoshop out women out of album cover art. The policy means that women are being scrubbed—often very poorly—out of their own cover art, resulting in some very strange, almost comical album covers.

Landscapes Photos That Capture the Beauty of Iran

Photographer Farzad Orsgani was born in Iran and spent the first 16 years of his life there before emigrating. After noticing politics clouding people's perceptions of his home country, Orsgani decided to return to Iran to capture a new perspective through landscape photography.

Female Iranian Photographer Banned from Stadium Shoots Match from Roof

Parisa Pourtaherian is a 26-year-old photographer in Iran who has a passion for shooting sports. The problem is, women are banned from entering soccer stadiums in her country for men's matches. But Pourtaherian recently became the first female photographer to shoot a national league match, and she did it by climbing on top of a nearby roof.

Iranian President’s Photographer Defects During Assignment in New York City

Official presidential photographers lead exciting lives. President Obama's photographer Pete Souza attends secret meetings and captures iconic photos. Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili's personal photographer was arrested last year after being accused of being a spy for Russia. Now Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's photographer is the latest to do something noteworthy: he defected to the United States.