
BBC’s Olympics Studio Was Fake, Made with a Game Engine

The recently-concluded 2020 Olympics weren't different just for athletes and spectators because of the coronavirus pandemic, but also for news outlets that covered the games. For example, the BBC shows how its Tokyo studio was entirely faked, recreated within Epic's Unreal gaming engine.

Smaller and Better Smartphone Cameras Coming Within 5 Years: Report

Over the last several years, smartphone cameras have started to meet and exceed expectations when it comes to photo quality. For example, it could be argued that the current iPhone camera can capture better photos than the Nikon D100 from just over a decade ago, and is much smaller and easier to use.

Cameraman Gets Rammed in the Groin by an Angry Sheep

If you ever find yourself getting low to the ground to try and get the perfect shot of a horned animal, be sure to protect what's valuable to you. A BBC cameraman found out what can happen if you don't, as you can see in this short viral clip above.

Watch: Robot Spy Turtle Lays ‘Camera Eggs’ for Vultures to Steal

The latest "spy cam" clip from the PBS docu-series Spy in the Wild 2 takes the robot camera bit farther than before. Not only did they use a robot "spy turtle" to capture the nesting process up close, the spy actually laid its own "camera eggs" that captured what it's like to be attacked by vultures looking for a quick meal.

Robot ‘Spy Pig’ Camera Destroyed by Territorial Komodo Dragons

The BBC/PBS show "Spy in the Wild" continues to be a never-ending source of robot camera hijinks. This time, a 'spy pig' robot ended up on the wrong side of a some territorial male Komodo dragons who didn't take kindly to its presence. The interaction didn't end well for the pig...

BBC Wildlife Film Crew Intervenes to Save Trapped Penguins

One of the cardinal rules of documentary wildlife photography and filmmaking is to not interfere with the natural course of events in the scenes and situations you're trying to capture on camera. A BBC wildlife film crew decided to break that rule by coming to the rescue of trapped penguins.

How Nature Documentaries are Fake: A Filmmaker’s Perspective

When you watch nature documentaries like the BBC's famous Planet Earth series, do you take for granted that everything you're seeing is 100% real? We wouldn't blame you if you did, but as Simon Cade of DSLRguide explains in this video, you'd be wrong.

This is the Camera Tech Used to Film Animals in Pitch Dark for Planet Earth II

Wildlife photography and videography is more incredible today than ever before, thanks in large part to the last decade's amazing leaps in camera technology. This behind the scenes look at the cameras used by the BBC to shoot Planet Earth II shows you how advances in camera tech have allowed us to see the creatures of the night in ways never before thought possible.