Search Results for: stuck lens filter

Striking Twilight Portraits Capture the Loneliness of Lockdown

Dutch commercial photographer Roelof Bos has, like many of us, been looking for a creative outlet ever since his professional work ground to a screeching halt. But while many photographers have opted for in-door projects or "porchraits," he wanted to create something more stylistic... and striking.

5 Ways to Creatively Upskill Your Wedding Photography at Home

COVID-19 isolation is a tricky time for wedding photographers. Upskilling might already be on your radar as you think about putting time into your wedding photography business over this time where weddings have been banned pretty much across the globe. But I’d like to suggest some out-of-the-box ways that we can upskill as wedding photographers in this time that you might not have thought of yet.

10 Astrophotography Ideas You Can Do From Your Backyard

With many of us stuck in lockdown, quarantine, and self-isolation, I thought I’d share 10 ideas for astrophotography that you can do from home, even if you live in a light-polluted town or city. If there’s one thing that this pandemic has taught us, it’s that we’re all in this together and astrophotography and astronomy only help to solidify that sense of unification.

Intentional Camera Movement: An Intro to ICM Photography

I have been getting quite experimental with my photography this year and recently stumbled upon Intentional Camera Movement, or ICM, photography. I fell into the work of photographer Andy Gray and was immediately blown away by the painterly feel of his images.

3 Weeks with the New Fujifilm X100V

Over three years ago, I tested out the Fuji X100F and was introduced to the pleasantries of carrying around a capable point and shoot. Today’s agenda is the fifth installment of Fujifilm’s X100 line of cameras: the Fuji X100V.

Panasonic S1R Teardown: A Peek Inside Panasonic Full-Frame Mirrorless

We really didn’t know what to expect going into this. Panasonic hasn’t even made an APS-C body before, never mind a full-frame flagship mirrorless camera. Though, it seems they realized the S1 series needed to make a splash if its release was going to trail behind Canon and Nikon’s first foray into professional-grade mirrorless cameras, because the S1R is massive.

How to Shoot a Day-vs-Night Photo in a Single Exposure

Here's a creative technique to add to your bag of tricks. In this 9.5-minute video, we’ll show you from start to finish how we took an ordinary scene and turned it into to go from day to night in one single exposure, in-camera.

Imitating Hazy Backgrounds with Diffusion Gels

Shooting in a studio has its advantages. But although being warm, dry and convenient are greatly appreciated, shooting between the same four walls can get a little boring if you’re constantly using them as backgrounds for your shots.

Street Photography Compositions with the Ricoh GR III

At first glance, all we see is a dinky point-n-shoot camera; not much to it. It slips inside my front pocket, I mean, how powerful can it be? Well, photographers shouldn’t be fooled by its size and minimalism; like many of our subjects in the street. The Ricoh GR III is called a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” for a reason.

Are You Sharpening Your Photos Enough?

I’ll own up to this and say that I’m guilty of being stuck in my ways. But age is no excuse for not being as adaptive as I should be to the changing times. But let me explain.

Some Mistakes That I Recommend You Make Behind the Camera

I can’t help but notice all those articles proclaiming mistakes we should try to avoid in order to become a better photographer. Admittedly, I have issues with such an approach. First of all: I hate the word “should”. Basically we “should” nothing. Secondly, there is not much learning in avoiding mistakes — we learn best from our mistakes and the more bittersweet they are the more carved into our memory they become.

A Digital Landscape Photographer’s Introduction to Film

I am constantly asked questions about how I started and how to start shooting film. So, here we go! This guide is intended to be a story of my introduction to film as a landscape photographer, provide some tips, introductions, and guidance, but in no means is it intended to be a foolproof method of how to shoot film.

Nikon Z7 Field Report: Too Many Good Things to Not Like It

Earlier this year I got a phone call from Japan asking whether I would be interested in working on yet another important global introduction campaign for a new Nikon product. As I very much enjoyed creating the Hercules Rising night time-lapse for the introduction of the Nikon D850, I said yes.

A Hands-On Review of the Fujifilm X-T3 (with Sample 4K Footage)

Hot on the heels of Canon’s EOS R announcement, Fujifilm has just announced their new camera, the X-T3. It's the first APS-C sensor size mirrorless camera that records in 10-bit internally. We were lucky enough to get our hands on a production model to check its video capabilities.

The Nikon Cameras Used by NASA

I recently attended Nikon's first-ever Fan Meeting event in Japan and one of the interesting things I was able to see and learn there was Nikon's history of equipment being used by NASA in space.

10 Macro Photo Tips for Beginners

In this article, I'll be sharing 10 macro photography tips for beginners who are just starting out in the genre.

Fujifilm Medium Format GFX 50S First Impressions


I typically have more to say in my first paragraph, but this camera blew me away and “wow” is one of the best ways to portray my first reactions.

An Introduction to Digital Infrared Photography

The human eye is incapable of seeing infrared light, so infrared photography is truly a way to show your audience something they can never see with their own eyes. Here's a guide to getting started with digital infrared photography.

Old School: How to Meter and Expose for Any Lighting Situation

It's time for a long overdue post. Looking back through my archives, I realized that I've covered topics like film selections and scanning film but to date I've skipped one really important part: metering and exposing color film.

Photographing Paris Underwater After Heavy Flooding

A few days ago, we had a crazy flood in Paris. The Seine rose by a whopping 6.10m (20 feet for you imperial friends), overflowing the banks, depriving people of electricity, and flooding buildings, public transports, and businesses. It was a rather destructive flood, especially for cities outside of Paris where entire towns, as I am writing this, are still chest-deep underwater.

To the Arctic and Back with the Leica M, a Camera Review

It was early in 2014, long enough after the introduction of the Leica M (also known as the ‘Typ 240’, or ‘M10’) when I finally bit the bullet and decided to sell my trusty Leica M-E for this newest, rather different digital rangefinder camera from the German niche camera maker.

Are Some Photographers Too Grumpy?

A few months ago, I published a podcast called The Photographers Conflict which addressed some of the conflicts that photographers seem to have with each other.

Review: The Sony RX1R II is Excellent, Extravagant, and Overpriced

Sony are back with the sequel to 2012s surprise hits, the RX1 and RX1R. The new RX1R II still packs a full frame sensor into a barely-larger-than-a-compact body, but this time it's the same sensor from their spectacular A7R II.