
These are the Winners of the 2021 iPhone Photography Awards

The iPhone Photography Awards (IPPAWARDS) -- the first and longest-running iPhone photography competition -- has announced the winners of the 14th annual international competition. The photos show the incredible work that can be captured with just an iPhone and an eye for the extraordinary.

These are the Winners of the 2020 iPhone Photography Awards

This morning, the iPhone Photography Awards—the first and longest running iPhone photography competition—unveiled the winners of its 13th annual contest. As usual, these images represent the best of smartphone photography from around the world, and show what's possible with just a phone, an understanding of light, and a good eye.

‘Winning’ Photography (At Any Cost)

I’ve never entered a photo contest. In part because I have a fear of not winning and confronting my own mediocrity. But mostly because I have never viewed photography as sport.

Assassination Photo Named World Press Photo of the Year

If World Press Photo assigned a theme to their annual competition, this year's might have been "Tragedy." Death, imminent death, fear, loss, pain—these are the true subjects of the images that won this year's top prizes, highlighted, at the very top, by a photo of an assassin brandishing a murder weapon.

Winning Photos of the British Wildlife Photography Awards 2016

The British Wildlife Photography Awards have announced the winning photographs for the 2016 contest. Photographer George Stoyle took the top prize for the photo above, titled "Hitchhikers," which shows young fish taking refuge inside the stinging tentacles of a lion's mane jellyfish.

These Are The World’s Best News Photos of 2015

A year has passed since the controversial World Press Photo contest in which 20% of the finalists were disqualified the prestigious award was stripped from the winner, and today World Press Photo just announced the best news photos of 2015.

The Photo of the Year, shown above, is titled "Hope for a New Life" and was captured by Australian photographer Warren Richardson. It shows a baby being passed through a fence at the Hungarian-Serbian border in Röszke, Hungary, on August 28th, 2015.

20 of the Top Wedding Photographs of 2015

For the past 7 years, Junebug Weddings has been holding an annual wedding photography contest to identify and recognize the best images that are being made. This year, after receiving over 10,000 photo submissions from wedding photographers in 45 different countries, the contest has released its collection of top wedding shots of 2015.

This Photo Won the National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest 2012

The photo above is the winning photograph in this year's National Geographic 2012 Traveler Photo Contest. It's a photo by Brooklyn-based photographer Cédric Houin titled "Butterfly", which shows a Kyrgyz mother and daughter using a sewing machine in their dwelling. His caption reads,

This image was shot in the Kyrgyz lands of the Wakhan Corridor. The intimacy of this everyday life moment, shot inside of a family yurt, is in total contrast with the harsh environment these nomadic tribes live in. On the right we notice a television and a sound console. These tribes live weeks away from any village by foot. In spite of being located at an altitude of 4,300 meters in one of the most remote areas of Afghanistan they are equipped with solar panels, satellite dishes and cellphones. Ancestral ways of living, with touches of modernity.

The image was submitted into the category Sense of Place (the other categories were: Travel Portraits, Outdoor Scenes, and Spontaneous Moments).