
A Simple Technique to Photograph Standing Waves on Water

By using a simple mechanical oscillator attached to a plastic cup, a number of unique standing wave patterns can be created. The resulting photographs are similar to geometric mandala patterns and thus are popular subjects for photography students.

Colorful Water Splashing

Photo Series of Colorful Water Splashes is Gorgeous Liquid Art

Capturing the movements of water has been a consistent and intriguing subject matter for photographer Jack Long. In his latest image series titled Mandalas, Long features spectacular fountain-like water splashes that not only captivate the eyes but highlight the artist's unique and vibrant form of liquid art.

Photographer Shares Tips For Water Droplet Collision Shots

Photographing water droplet collisions can be tricky given that your subject vanishes in the blink of an eye. The process of setting up and revising a successful shoot strategy isn't easy, but one photographer has shared his best tips and techniques to help with that.

7 Critical Mistakes You Must Avoid When Photographing Waterfalls

The fascination and beauty of chasing waterfalls never seem to wane and I know I’m not alone and it is not just photographers chasing them. Some of the best times I’ve had in landscape photography have been hiking to a waterfall and then sitting in awe at its beauty as water cascades over rocks.

Playing with Macro Photography at the Kitchen Sink

Here's a quick, easy idea for something you can try in your kitchen with a macro lens. Yesterday as I was doing the dishes, the water stream hit an egg cup and bounced up in a concentrated jet, splashing water up all over me.

Underwater Photography: Safety Gear and Tips for a Successful Shoot

Photographers love to shop for new gear, but when that gear is for safety during your underwater photography session, shopping become essential. I wanted to write this article to discuss the safety standards (or lack thereof) in the underwater photography community.

Using Water to Explain the Properties of Light and the Exposure Triangle

Photographer Robert Hall recently released a simple-yet-brilliant explainer that uses water to illustrate the properties of light and explain a few concepts that frequently confuse beginners, including: what is a "stop" of light, how do you use the exposure triangle, and how do various flashes and flash modifiers affect your image.

In-Depth Breakdown Shows How to Properly Weather-Seal a Camera

Dave Etchells over at Imaging Resource has released a fantastic breakdown the dives deep on exactly how camera makers—Olympus specifically—go about properly weather-sealing their cameras. In keeping with Etchells' reputation, this video is the most comprehensive overview of the topic that we've ever seen.

10 Tips for Photographing ‘Abstract Landscapes’

As a landscape photographer I’m a big fan of grand vistas and photographing with wide angle lenses. But sometimes the smaller things can be just as impressive. In this little article I'll be sharing some tips that will hopefully give you some inspiration when photographing abstracts. And when you start to see them, you can’t stop photographing them. It’s very addicting!

5 Tips for Shooting ‘Explosive’ Toy Photos on a Budget

Kirk Schwarz over at Practical Photography recently put together a short tips video for anybody who wants to get into toy photography. If you've never taken these kinds of photos but have always wanted to try, you'll find Schwarz' tips for shooting an "explosive" toy photo on a budget in the video above.

Shooting Water Droplet Refractions for Magical Macro Photos

Like tiny crystal balls, water droplets can add a magical element to macro photographs. There are a number of moving parts to consider, but the basic concept is simple: a spherical droplet can act like a lens, refracting light from whatever is behind it.

These Light Painting Photos Were Shot by Splashing in Water

Light-painting photographer Denis Smith is perhaps best known for creating giant spheres of light in photos. For his latest series, titled "Liquid Light," Smith brought his light tools into waist-deep water for beautiful photos of light bursting forth from the surface.

This Underwater Short Film Was Shot on a Bare iPhone

London-based filmmaker Frederic van Strydonck made this creative short film titled Spltch, which teleports the viewer to different locations through taking dips below the water's surface. Everything was shot with an unprotected iPhone X.

Water Torture Camera Test: Canon and Nikon Shine, Sony Fails

Weather resistance is an important attribute of professional cameras that need to endure difficult shooting environments. To see how well some of the top cameras on the market would fare in the rain, Imaging Resource decided to conduct a water torture test, which you can watch in the 5-minute video above.

These Portraits Were Shot with a Water Drop as a Lens

Dutch photographer Robin de Puy recently shot a series of beautiful portraits with unusual camera "equipment." Instead of using a typical lens made of metal (or plastic) and glass, she shot the photos using a single drop of water as her lens.