
Comedy sketch about photographers

What People Think Photographers Do…

Photography -- is it a lucrative and glamorous job filled with travel, a hobby with an eye-watering amount spent on unnecessary gear, or something in between? Photographer Niels de Kemp pokes fun at the different misconceptions people have about what photography is all about in this humorous 2.5-minute tongue-in-cheek sketch.

NFTs Explained on SNL with an Eminem Rap Parody

Non-fungible tokens in cryptocurrency have made a splash in the art world in recent days. If you're out of the loop and don't have time to read an in-depth explainer on what NFTs are, check out this humorous 3.5-minute Eminem rap parody by Saturday Night Live that will bring you up to speed (maybe).

This Guy is a Professional Divorce Photographer

As the wedding photography industry gets more and more saturated with competition, some photographers may switch over into different niches that aren't as hot. Here's a 1.5-minute video that offers a glimpse into the work of Tom Byrd, a professional divorce photographer.

This is What Camera Bag Marketing Hype is Like

It seems like every month there's an earth-shattering new camera bag that can hold ridiculous amounts of gear in an absurd number of compartments. Fstoppers decided to poke fun at this niche in the photo industry and created this humorous 3-minute sketch showing what camera bag marketing hype is like when you buy into it.

The Camera Store Customer from Hell

If you've ever worked in retail at a camera store, perhaps this sketch will tickle your funny bone... or bring back bad memories. At 5:30 in this episode of the comedy show Rostered On is an interaction between a store employee and a customer asking to return a "broken" camera.

When Contour Makeup Goes Too Far…

Here's a lighthearted 2-minute sketch by CollegeHumor's Hot Date series, titled "Contour Makeup Has Gone Too Far." It's about a woman who takes her contouring makeup too far to look perfect in Instagram photos... at the expense of looking normal in real life.

Researchers are Working on Sketch-Based Image Search

In the not-so-distant future, finding the photo you're looking for online may not require you to describe it or know the location or even the photographer... just as long as you can doodle something that looks like it on a scrap of paper.

This Video Shows the Truth Behind Online Photos

Hồ Anh Đức of Vietnam created this humorous video that shows the "truth" behind those picture perfect photos you see shared all over Instagram and Facebook. You don't need Photoshop to stretch the truth in photos.

What People Look Like Online Versus in Real Life

People often use social media photos these days to make their lives seem a lot more happy, exciting, and/or glamorous than it actually is. Popular Vine comedian/actor @MelvinGregg decided to poke fun at this fact of Internet culture with a little 6-second-long Vine sketch that's going viral.

Newspaper Sends Cartoonist to Foo Fighters Concert to Protest Photo Contract

The Washington City Paper recently decided to boycott the Foo Fighters' restrictive concert photo contract by buying photos from fans instead. Now a different paper is protesting that same contract in a much different way.

This past weekend, the Quebec newspaper Le Soleil decided to send a cartoon sketch artist to cover a Foo Fighters' concert instead of putting a photographer in the media area.