
Dangerous Places in San Francisco for Photographers and Cameras

As you know, there has sadly been a raft of camera thefts in San Francisco of late, putting a spotlight on places you might want to think twice about hauling expensive camera gear with you the next time you visit.

I Was Robbed in San Francisco While the Cameras Rolled

Last week I was in San Francisco, one of the most beautiful cities in the world on a video shoot for Kelby One on Crissy Field -- one of the premier spots in town -- at the foot of the majestic Golden Gate Bridge when one of my cameras was stolen right in front of me.

Veteran Photographer Steals $15,000 of Gear from Fellow Photogs at NYC Studio

Earlier this year, a group of well-known professional photographers was robbed... by another photographer. Approximately $12-$15K worth of gear was taken from their studio by a peer almost three months ago, and they were only able to recover the gear earlier this week, though they still don't feel they've received anything resembling justice.

The Camera Store Staff Attacked with Bear Spray in Robbery

Camera stores have become the targets of more and more thieves in recent years. While many of the reports involve nighttime break-ins, robbers do attempt to steal gear during store hours as well, and that's what just happened to the well-known camera store The Camera Store.