
‘Triangle Composition’ is Ridiculous, Here’s Why

I don't normally rant, but this has been bothering me for quite some time. I try not to worry about what gets written on the Internet because I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinions and it's healthy to have many different opinions for others to pick and choose what works for them. Let's face it, there is no hard and fast rule that photographers must abide by.

Photographers, This is Why Other Photographers Hate Adobe

My name is Adam Marsh, and I'm a Melbourne-based event photographer. I recently wrote an article titled "Adobe, This is Why Photographers Are Hating on You,” and it seems to have been incredibly divisive. There was a huge amount of feedback and engagement on this topic in the wider global photography community.

Attacking YouTube Camera Reviewers is Ridiculous

Over the past few weeks, two separate pieces have been published here on PetaPixel attacking YouTube photographers and camera reviewers. Whether it be this video from Mik Milman, or this latest piece from Bob Locher, the low hanging fruit seems to be the idea that the "general YouTube camera reviewer" has no idea what they're talking about. This is ridiculous, and wrong.

Opinion: The Problem with Many of the ‘Photographers’ on YouTube

Professional event photographer and photography teacher Mik Milman recently published a video that's bound to receive some mixed reactions. In it, Milman laments the dearth of experience of many photographers who pass themselves off as "experts" on YouTube, earning thousands of followers and possibly misleading beginners by offering bad advice and unqualified critiques.

Lightroom Sucks: An Open Letter to Adobe

“Panic on the streets of London, panic on the streets of Birmingham, I wonder to myself, could life ever be sane again?” You’d be forgiven for thinking The Smiths were singing about wedding photographers mid-summer running around the streets in a naked hysteria after they’ve just installed the latest Lightroom update.

What’s With All the Poor Negative Film Reviews?

I don't usually go the negative Nellie with anything photo related, sometimes it's best to keep your mouth firmly shut. But I'm not going to take it anymore, I'm as mad as hell, and I'm going to lean right out the window and shout it to the world, enough, I'm done with rubbish samples of film technology on the Web.

Beware 500px’s (Very) ‘Flexible Pricing’

Are you a freelance photographer like myself? Have you already put up your masterpiece on 500px? Maybe you’re trying to share your photos and sell them at the same time in case some stranger admires your work? If you’ve answered YES to all these questions, I'd like to share the terrible experience I had with 500px.

‘Stupid’ Photography Terms and Ideas for ‘Fixing’ Them

Photographers Tony & Chelsea Northrup made this educational and tongue-in-cheek 5-minute video in which they rant about how many of the most common terms in photography are "stupid" because they're often inherited from history (and therefore may not make sense immediately without digging deeper into each concept).

Why I Rejected Your Request for Free Photos

This post is dedicated to all the people who have completely lost their sense of common decency. I have a destructive humbleness that most people do not understand (myself included). I do not have a Patreon page, I do not run ads on my website, I have never asked for donations. However, for some reason, I get the feeling that this leads people to believe I do everything for free. This could not be further from the truth. You want to use my work? Great! How about you pay me for it? No? Of course not, what was I thinking. I’m sorry.

Do NOT Fake It Till You Make It as a Photographer

I see the posts. You see them, too. A session gone wrong because a photographer didn’t know want to do. And they didn’t know what to do because they hadn’t yet acquired the skills necessary to do that thing they were hired to do. They said “yes” before they knew what they were doing.

How NOT to Become a Brand Ambassador as a Photographer

I’ve often received emails from photographers who have approached my little brand, 3 Legged Thing with offers of "collaboration". There's is nothing wrong with making an approach at all, and while I rarely act upon these unsolicited approaches, they can, occasionally, yield gold.

Are Photographers Ruining Photography For Photographers?

Photographer Brendan van Son recorded this 9-minute video in which he shares his frustration with the current landscape of photography in the social media era. Is the influx of new photographers ruining the joy of photography by crowding locations and behaving impolitely towards others?

A New Camera Just Came Out

There was a new camera that was just announced. It's really good, apparently. It's got more megapixels. A brighter screen. It can stack lots of images together. It does everything you've ever wanted.

That Time I Said ‘F*** No’ to a Hotel’s ‘Advertising Opportunity’

My name is Ryan Horban and I’m a wedding photographer based in Southern California. I shoot 30+ weddings a year, drink IPAs because they are tasty and get me buzzed, have an amazing family that I absolutely love, and won’t be staying at a Sheraton Hotel anytime in the near future unless I’m kidnapped by terrorists and held against my will at a Sheraton property.

The Real Reason You Suck on Photo Sharing Sites: The Bots are Beating You

Photographers join photo-sharing sites for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s as simple as a need for recognition and the occasional pat-on-the-back. In fact, I suspect that’s the reason most people join these sites in the first place; a little bit of recognition is worth big dollars in the feel-good bank.

Rant: There are Two Kinds of Photographers

I will probably get a bunch of hate for this article, but whatever. Hopefully, my message will help someone. I realize this site is frequented by enthusiasts, professionals, camera geeks, etc. but this post is pointed more at people that want to make it as a portrait or fashion photographer.

Don’t Fall for B.S. Camera Gear Ads

If you're into photography enough that your feed gets filled with a bit of camera porn from time to time, you're likely to have seen the $55 8x telephoto lens for cellphones being sold by The Outdoor Spirit.