
The Great @PetaPixel Instagram Revival (and How to Get Featured)

Instagram means different things to different photographers, whether that’s the place to search and be found for new work opportunities, the go-to spot for becoming inspired, or where to post photos and get feedback from the largest photography community on the Internet. At this point, it would be silly to not have an active account on Instagram, right? ...Right?

The 10 Most Popular PetaPixel Posts of the Decade

On May 14th, 2009 a little blog called PetaPixel made its debut. More than 10 years and nearly 27,000 published posts later (26,886 to be exact), as we wrap up our first full decade in existence, it seemed appropriate to look back at the ten most popular articles of the decade.

We’d Like Your Feedback On Our Website Design

We launched a major redesign of the PetaPixel website this week. Thanks for all the feedback you've provided thus far, from the angry complaints to the happy compliments -- we appreciate hearing them all. Now we'd like to hear more of your thoughts on what you'd like to see.

Welcome to the Newly Redesigned PetaPixel

As you can probably tell, last night we launched the biggest site redesign so far in the history of PetaPixel. While change is often hard and controversial, there are some big ones that we've made in response to reader feedback and needs over the years.

State of the Blog Address and a Preview of Coming Attractions in 2014

First things first: Happy New Year! Whether you're in Berkeley, CA, Bucharest, Romania or Shanghai, China, it's now 2014 for everyone, and we want to start off the new year by thanking you all for a phenomenal 2013. You guys and gals are the reason we get up in the morning and stay up nights wracking our brains to figure out how we can make this site the best photo blog in the world.

Cooperation Wins Out Over Confrontation in the ILC Market

For travel shooters and those looking to keep their kit light, new Interchangeable Lens Compacts (ILC) have been a major boon. But the real beneficiaries of the rise of this new system -- still less than five years old -- are the companies that make them. However, in order to maximize those benefits, manufacturers of ILCs need to establish the format as viable and resilient. For some, that means working together rather than against one another.

Where’s My Professional Mirrorless Camera?

Let’s take a moment to reflect on mirrors. Mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras, like the Olympus Pen E-P5 or Samsung  NX300, have enjoyed increasing popularity over the past few years, and it’s become clear that they are more than a passing fad.

This motley collection of high-tech cameras filled the gap that existed between bulky DSLRs and compact cameras, but manufacturers are now starting to expand their mirrorless lineups in hopes of attracting a wider cross-section of photographers, including professionals.

How PetaPixel Stacks Up Against Other Top 100 Blogs in Age and Gender

We now take a break from our regularly scheduled programming to direct your attention to an interesting study that was published yesterday by Pingdom. The website tracking company decided to analyze the demographics of the world's top 100 blogs (according to Technorati), sorting them by reader age and gender. It's findings regarding PetaPixel caught our eye.