How PetaPixel Stacks Up Against Other Top 100 Blogs in Age and Gender


We now take a break from our regularly scheduled programming to direct your attention to an interesting study that was published yesterday by Pingdom. The website tracking company decided to analyze the demographics of the world’s top 100 blogs (according to Technorati), sorting them by reader age and gender. It’s findings regarding PetaPixel caught our eye.

Here’s the chart of the top 100 blogs with colors indicating the various age groups. Apparently we have a very healthy mix of both young and old photo enthusiasts reading this blog:


This chart sorts the blogs simply by average age. Check it out: we’re on the median reader line of 38 years:


How about gender breakdown? Whoa: we’re on the line again!


It’s interesting that this blog isn’t dominated by a male audience. Pingdom itself points out that PetaPixel is among a very small handful of “average” blogs:

There are four blogs that have exactly the same distribution as the average: Daily Kos, PetaPixel, Towleroad News, and Cinema Blend.

Head on over to the Pingdom blog post if you’d like to reader more about this study or see these charts in a larger size.

Blog readership demographics – investigating the world’s top blogs [Pingdom via Laughing Squid]
