
Snickers Just Turned the Photoshop Fail Into an Ad

There are often stories of huge (and often hilarious) Photoshop fails in the advertising industry, in which models are seen with extra limbs or ridiculous body proportions.

Snickers just released a clever advertisement that pokes fun at these Photoshop fails.

Canon is Still Having a Laugh at Nikon’s Expense Over that ‘Shopped Contest Photo

Nikon Singapore became the butt of many jokes last week after selecting a clearly Photoshopped photo as the winner of a small photo contest. After the story went viral and appeared in headlines around the world, Nikon and the photographer both apologized and took down the winning photo(shop job).

Seeing an opportunity, Canon Canada decided this week to poke some fun at Nikon's expense, and its tongue-in-cheek Facebook thread has since gone viral as well.

Nikon Awards Prize to Badly ‘Shopped Photo, Hilarity Ensues

Nikon Singapore posted an announcement on its Facebook page yesterday, congratulating a photographer named Chay Yu Wei for capturing a perfect shot of an airplane framed by a ladder in Chinatown.

Photographers quickly pointed out that the photo is clearly the result of editing, and sarcastic comments soon flooded the post.

Portraits of Men with Soap Bubble Facial Hair

"Bubbleissimo" is a quirky new photo project by New York-based photographer Mindo Cikanavicius. It features serious portraits of men wearing serious expressions... and beards and mustaches made of soap bubbles.

This is the Pain of Using Your Camera’s Self Timer for a Group Photo

There are special agonies that are reserved for the "official photographers" of families and friends. One of them is when you sprint into the scene after setting your camera's self timer, only to have the camera snap the photo before you're ready. It was even worse in the days of film, when sometimes you might not even see the blooper until after the photos are processed.

Above is a family portrait that captures this pain perfectly. It was shared with us by a woman named Molly, who says it's her favorite photo of her father, Geof -- he's the one that set the timer.

Fujifilm Just Made the Best Argument for Mirrorless Over DSLRs

Fujifilm has a sense of humor. At its major press event today, company Vice President Toru Takahashi made an unusual argument for the benefits of its professional mirrorless cameras over traditional DSLRs: he pointed out that DSLRs weigh 2 cans of beer more than Fujifilm flagship camera.

Manny the Cat Has Mastered the Art of the Selfie

Manny is a gray tabby cat that's attracting attention for his special camera skills. More specifically, Manny is quite skilled at shooting selfies of himself, and now tens of thousands of people are following his photos on Instagram.

Stunner Santa Poses for a Male Fashion Photo Shoot

For its holiday campaign this year, the Yorkdale shopping mall in Toronto, Canada, created Fashion Santa. Instead of wearing his traditional red hat, coat, trousers, and boots, Santa posed for a photo shoot wearing festive outfits representing the latest trends in male fashion.

This Video Shows the Truth Behind Online Photos

Hồ Anh Đức of Vietnam created this humorous video that shows the "truth" behind those picture perfect photos you see shared all over Instagram and Facebook. You don't need Photoshop to stretch the truth in photos.

Pose for Christmas Portraits with This ‘Hipster Santa’ in Portland

If you're looking for unique Christmas portraits for your kids this holiday season, head over to the Pioneer Place shopping mall in downtown Portland, Oregon. There, in one of the world capitals of hipsterdom, you'll find a hipster Santa that ditched his traditional red outfit in favor of jeans, a festive cardigan sweater, and a fashionable man bun.