How to Build a Simple Sound Trigger for High-Speed Photos With Arduino

Are you stressed? What better way to de-stress is there than to break things while making cool photographs at the same time? You can break anything, from spaghetti to fancy glassware, there is no limit. It will take you about half an hour to build the Arduino circuit and write the code for this sound triggering photographic system.

This Guy Made His Own 90mm f/2.8 Lens from Scratch

Plenty of photographers these days try their hands at making their own cameras, but Swedish photographer, inventor, and camera maker Mats Wernersson recently did something a little more unusual: he made his own 90mm f/2.8 lens from scratch.

How to Shoot a High-End Cosmetics Photo with Cheap Speedlights

If we wrote it once, we've written it a thousand times: you don't need expensive equipment to capture high-quality studio photography. As photographer Dustin Dolby of Workphlo demonstrates in this video, even that expensive cosmetics look is doable with cheap speedlights... and skill.

How to Develop and Push the ISO on Color Negative Film at Home

I finally did it! After sitting in my fridge for a few months, I managed to developed myself a roll of CineStill 800 pushed to 3200 ISO, and the results look great! The great thing: it's actually pretty easy to develop pushed C-41 film at home.

How to Make a DIY Light Painting Brush for Cool Still Life Effects

A couple of weekends ago I was playing about with some ideas for a new portfolio shot involving a wall clock. Now, this clock happens to look a bit like a pocket watch, and a pocket watch normally has a chain (see where I'm going with this?). So I figured: "what if instead of a chain, I use some wispy light trails?"

This Guy Turned a Sony Camera Into a Digital Back for His Nikon Film SLR

Ever since the advent of digital cameras, some film photographers have dreamed of having a way to convert their beloved film cameras into digital ones. Photographer Robin Guymer took matters into his own hands: using his knowledge of electronics, he converted a Sony NEX-3 mirrorless camera into a digital back for his film Nikon FE SLR camera.

Turn a Cheap Vintage Lens into a DIY Selective Focus Lens for $10

Lensbaby's creative selective focus lenses like the Composer Pro will run you around $400; even the relatively affordable Spark costs $90. If all of that sounds too expensive for your taste, you should definitely check out this hacked version Mathieu Stern created for just 30 bucks!

How to Build a Great DIY Lightbox for Under $50

There are a ton of options out there for building your own product photography lightbox, but this is one of the simplest and most functional creations we've seen. For under $50, you can build it for yourself.

How to Make a DIY Home Photography Studio on a Budget

Need a home studio for some product photography? COOPH has some great ideas for you. In this inspirational little video, the magazine shows you how to build a DIY photography studio at home using mostly household items.

I Used a Smartwatch to Turn a Vintage Camera Into a Digital Slideshow

Last fall, in preparation for a fair for my wedding photography business in Helsinki, I wanted to create something out-of-the-ordinary that would attract attention to my booth. A friend of mine suggested a type of vintage camera that visitors could look through.

Vintage camera with a mini slideshow inside? Sounds like a plan!

This is the Mother of All Selfie Sticks

While joking around with a friend recently, photographer Ted Forbes of The Art of Photography decided he would try his hand at building the ultimate selfie stick. What resulted is a monster selfie stick that Forbes has named the Stork Mach 1.

$2,000 vs $50: How to Build Your Own DSLR Dome Port Underwater Housing

If you've done research into underwater housing, you'll know how expensive they can be. In some instances, they cost more than the camera. Certainly, when you pay the premium price you're also purchasing assurance, functionality, size, etc. However, rebel that I am, I didn't want to pay the premium, so I built my own.

Quick Tip: Use a Balloon for Better Pop-Up Flash Portraits

We've seen some interesting DIY flash diffusers, but I can't remember ever seeing someone use a blown up balloon. Which is a shame, really, because it's a cheap and effective way to soften your pop-up flash, or even a small speedlight.

9 Last-Minute DIY Christmas Gifts for Photographers

Have a photography loving fella or gal on your list this year? Feeling crafty? Running out of time to get them something? If you answered yes to these questions, these last-minute DIY gift ideas for photographers might just be your saving grace.

This DIY Rig is Helping a Terminally Ill Photographer Keep Shooting

For many of us, photography is just a hobby; for 22-year-old James, it's an escape from the constant pain his terminal illness keeps him in day-in and day-out. When his illness threatened to take even this away from him, one of the UK's top engineers stepped in and created a DIY rig that lets James keep shooting.