
Wacom Tablets Quietly Track Every App You Open

Wacom tablets are popular among photographers who prefer using a pen to a mouse when retouching photos, and Wacom even bundles Photoshop and Lightroom with some of its models to sweeten the package. But if you use a Wacom tablet for your editing work, there's something you should know: your tablet may be quietly tracking all the apps you open on your computer without you knowing it.

Lady Gaga Criticizes Music Pirates with Pirated Photos. Shutterstock Responds

After Lady Gaga's new song "Stupid Love" leaked onto the Internet and went viral last weekend, the singer called out fans who had listened to the unauthorized release. Problem was, Lady Gaga's Tweet used "pirated" stock photos that had "Shutterstock" watermarks splashed across them, and this unauthorized usage didn't escape the company's notice.

The National Archives ‘Women’s March’ Photoshop Disaster

The National Archives of the USA is putting on a show. "Rightfully Hers: American Women and The Vote." Out front of the show, there is a large visual display that includes an iconic photograph of the Jan 21, 2017 Women's March on DC with some blurred out elements. Specifically blurred out is some language on the protest signs, language the Archive staff judged to be political or NSFW. You can read more about it here.

500px Updates Terms, Sparks Fresh Outrage Among Photographers

If you're a 500px member who hasn't logged in to the photo sharing and selling service for a while, you may be asked to agree to an updated Terms of Service document upon logging in. The latest agreement is causing an uproar (and a new wave of account deletions) among many photographers, but it doesn't appear that anything has changed from a legal or rights standpoint.

Parents Outraged by Photo Retouching Services Offered by 8-Year-Old’s School

Arizona-based journalist Sam Walker sparked social media outrage this week when she tweeted about her young girls' school photos. Apparently the school is offering various retouching services—including blemish removal, teeth whitening, and evening skin tones—and Walker is not alone in feeling this is ridiculous and possibly harmful.

Photography Ban Outside AZ Supreme Court is Unconstitutional, Say Critics

An recent court order banning photography outside the Arizona Supreme Court in Phoenix and Court of Appeals in Tucson is being criticized as unconstitutional. The court says the order is meant to stop "abuse and intimidation," but critics say it infringes on people's First Amendment rights and puts photojournalists in an "untenable position."

Trump Situation Room Photo Criticized for Poor Composition and ‘Posed’ Look

This past weekend, the White House posted a photograph that showed President Trump and several others monitoring the raid that led to the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. But while the photo shows a major military win for the US, it has drawn criticism online, with critics claiming that it's as a poor attempt at recreating a similar photo taken during the Obama administration.

Is This Plagiarism or Crazy Coincidence in Landscape Photography?

It often happens that other photographers have a similar shot to yours. Especially in landscape photography, where there are lots of amazing locations where a lot of photographers go. Having a similar shot is often not really a problem -- most of the time these shots are still different because of light, conditions, and different compositions from the same spot.

Wedding Photographer Loses Photos in a Fire, Only Offers 90% Refund

If you lost all of your client's wedding photos in a house fire, would you give them a full refund? This question has been spreading across the Internet the past few days after a couple complained that their wedding photog only offered them a 90% refund after his house burned down, because of the time he already invested.