
Pentax-esque Nikon Concept Camera

DCHome forum member voigtlander just posted this photograph of a Nikon concept camera from Nikon Sapporo Showroom, where photography is prohibited. There's a lot of discussion over whether or not this design suggests what a future Nikon EVIL camera might look like, since it seems to have the same form factor as existing EVIL cams (e.g. Samsung NX10).

Futuristic Eye Dropper Concept for Transferring Photos and Files

The i dropper is a conceptual device designed to make transferring photographs from different devices and computers intuitive, quick, and easy. To move a photograph from your iPad to your desktop, all you would have to do is "suck up" the photo on your iPad using the stylus pen-shaped device, and "drop" the data onto your computer screen. What's more, the data contained in the pen is displayed on a little screen to inform you of what's ready to be dropped.

What Photoshop Might Be Like on Mobile Computing Devices

Here are a couple mockups by MacRumors showing what Photoshop might look like on mobile computing devices like the iPad or iPhone. Adobe recently published a presentation they did on various things they're exploring with such devices. An example was using Content Aware Fill to modify a scene by painting over objects to be removed using your finger.

Children with Identical-Looking Dolls

Photographer Achim Lippoth of London-based creative agency edsonwilliams recently created this series of photographs for Kid's Wear Magazine involving children with dolls that look just like them. Beautiful portraits with a hint of cute and a dash of creepy!

Canon 4K Concept Camera on Display at Canon Expo 2010

Canon Expo 2010 is going on over in New York City right now, and one of the interesting things being displayed is a funky multipurpose 4K camera. The 8-megapixel CMOS camera is capable of super high definition video and photography at 60 frames per second, and has a do-it-all 24-480mm zoom lens.

Nadia Camera Rates Photos As You Shoot

We've already got plenty of gadgets designed to facilitate photography: there's auto-focus, face detection, and some crazy features in Photoshop that can effortlessly add and remove entire elements (and people) in photographs. So now why not have a camera that tells you whether you're taking an aesthetically pleasing photograph?

Digital Holga Concept for a New Generation of Hipsters

Holga D is a concept camera by India-based industrial designer Saikat Biswas that brings the plastic, medium-format Holga camera into the digital age.

The cheap toy camera design retains the optical jankiness that lures hipsters to this type of camera (i.e. vignetting, blurring, and light leaks), but a DSLR-caliber sensor inside ensures that the anomalies are optical rather than digital.

Futuristic Polaroid Camera for Printing Wallet-Sized Video Clips

Wouldn't it be neat if we could print out short video clips in Polaroid-esque "prints"? That's the idea behind Kim Hyun Joong's Movie Polaroid Camera, a concept camera that uses a flexible display material rather than ink to "print" out ultra-portable video clips rather than traditional Polaroid pictures.

Concept Sony Alpha DSLR Offers a Slanted LCD and Futuristic Design

Here's a new Sony Alpha concept DSLR camera that features a slanted LCD to keep your face away from the screen, similar to the Sony a352 concept camera that we featured last month. Unlike that one, which had a solar and rounded design, this one has a lot of edges and sharp angles, like what you might see in futuristic concept cars.

Magazine Cover Mockup for the iPad

This video, created by California photographer Jesse Rosten, offers an interesting glimpse at what digital magazine covers might look like for the iPad. Rather than offer a static photograph of the beach as the print version of Sunset Magazine would, this cover is brought to life with both video and animation.

Stock Photography Books Recycled to Teach Reading

As online stock photography services and libraries have expanded in recent years, stock photography books have become more and more obsolete.

Advertising and communications corp JWT recently came up with an idea to breath new life into these dying books by transforming them into tools to help teach disadvantaged children to read.

A Look at Sony’s Upcoming Ultra Compact

Sony has been quite mum with regards to their upcoming ultra-compact camera. However, they've begun releasing some teasers to give us a better idea of what's to come, including the above YouTube video and the following screenshots of the touchscreen interface: