
Blair Bunting MLB Portraits

Photographing High-End Portraits at MLB’s Spring Training

As I am a commercial photographer in Arizona, I often get the call to photograph baseball players during spring training. This work is unique and different from any other mid-season sports photo shoot -- including baseball. They are the kind that I cherish because of the calmness on set.

The Mercedes C1000 car photographed by automotive photographer Blair Bunting in Phoenix, Arizona.

Photographing the One-of-a-Kind Mercedes C1000

Some cars exist in myths and legends. They can be so rare that even a car enthusiast might only see them by the good graces of another. The Mercedes C1000 exemplifies this.

A motorcycle mechanic photographed for a lifestyle photoshoot by Blair Bunting. The portraits were photographed on location at universities and shops across the US over a period of a month.

Using Manual Focus on a Commercial Photo Shoot: Try It At Your Own Risk

There’s something about the passion that exists between a mechanic and a motorcycle. Their hands and tools are their paintbrushes, and their grease-stained nails are their paint. I was fortunate to witness them create their art and document it all while creating my own.

Blair Bunting

Music and Photography: How One Art Inspires the Other

Of all the arts available to mankind, my heart belongs to music. Perhaps it’s a sentiment that doesn’t serve my self-interest much, as my only achievements in the arts have come through photography.

Abstract Food Photos

Creatively Simple Abstract Photos Made with Food

When asked to present food in a natural yet humorous manner, photographer Dwight Eschliman and his team brought the concept to life through a series of well-lit, colorful, and styled photos for the supermarket chain Lidl.

What is Split Color Lighting, and How Do You Use It?

After I published a story on sunglasses for photographers, I got a ton of emails asking how I lit the series. So, while on the road for a recent photo shoot, I took some time at my AirBNB and wrote out how I approach what is called "split color lighting."

A Beginner’s Guide to Pricing Commercial Photography

A big question every beginning commercial photographer asks themselves is how they should price their work. There is always a wide range of price points in all genres of photography, and they all depend on your level of work. But there is one truth that may apply to most photographers: you can’t apply a simple pricing strategy to your work.

Kobe Bryant Tribute Film and Photo Series

‘Mamba Mentality’ Photos and Film Feature 10 Rare Kobe Bryant Shoes

Honoring one of the greatest to ever play the game, this video and photo series features ten rare Kobe Bryant Nike shoes. Rather than rely on computer graphics, we chose to shoot the entire project practically by creating hundreds of individual colored Nike Swoosh plexiglass cutouts. Mamba Mentality is visualized as each shoe conquers the chaos of everything that comes its way.

Canon 1D photo of a train

Revisiting the Canon 1D, 20 Years Later

It was my first year in college. I was going out every day to teach myself photography, Harry Potter had just come out in theaters, and Canon entered the digital photography world with its very first fully backed flagship, the Canon EOS 1D.

What is Brand Storytelling and Why Does It Matter?

In today’s world, it is easier than ever to start a business. Explore Instagram on any given day and you will inevitably see an ad for some new online retailer. It begs the question: How, in such a saturated online marketplace, can a fledgling brand separate itself from the pack and survive?

How to Tell an Effective Brand Story With Your Photos

Any writer worth their salt knows that a good story is comprised of three primary components: Character, Setting, and Plot. The same can be said of visual storytelling, regardless of the medium.

How To Get Your Photography Featured in Magazines

To many photographers, getting your work printed in a magazine is the holy grail, especially if you manage to make the front cover. Sure, posting on Instagram or Facebook is great but actually seeing your work in print... to me, there is no better feeling.

6 Professional Tips for Awesome Product Photography

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of shooting some product photography for my friends over at HDK Snowmakers. They are a snowmaking machine manufacturer for some of the country’s largest ski resorts and specialize in hyper-efficient machines that keep skiers on the slopes, while not guzzling up tons of water.

This Photographer Built a Checklist to Help You Not Get Sued

If you've ever worked in commercial photography, you know how complicated relationships with brands, agencies, and sub-contractors can be. In this 11.5-minute video, photographer Chris Hau details how he almost got sued as a result of those relationships and what he has learned since.

These May Soon Be the Standard Fees for Commercial Photos on Federal Land

In years past, major agencies that managed federal land weren't consistent in charging fees for commercial photography and filming on those lands. In 2000, a new law directed the government to develop a consistent fee structure for all federal lands, and the government is still working to iron out what those fees will be.

A Full Commercial Food Photo Shoot: From Concept to Shooting to Editing

In this 35-minute video, I go through my entire process of shooting for my commercial portfolio. During the COVID-19 lockdown, I have had more time to focus on my book, which will hopefully help get me back out there when everything opens up again.

Commercial Photographer Explains Why You Shouldn’t Use a Light Meter

Commercial photographer and educator Karl Taylor is a working pro with an impressive portfolio to his name and major brands on his CV. So it came as a surprise when he declared recently that he hasn't used a light meter in 15 years... and explained why you shouldn't be using one either.

My Top 5 Photo Hacks as a Commercial Photographer

Over the past decade and a bit (the years are flashing by!) I have managed to find some great hacks. In this 3.5-minute video, I go through my 5 favorite hacks as a commercial photographer.

Commercial Photography Working Procedures in the Time of COVID-19

COVID-19 has brought unprecedented challenges to many areas of the economy in the past few months. As we emerge from lockdown situations, businesses will continue to have a need for fresh commercial photography, whether it is for new marketing efforts, making portraits of new faces as leadership and staff undergo changes, documenting new facilities and infrastructure projects, or communicating with stakeholders about a company’s efforts to keep workers safe and healthy during this ongoing crisis.

The ‘Why’ of an Advertising Photo

I did my first advertising assignment in the year 2000. I still remember how excited I was when I, a few months later, walked out of a bookstore on Chestnut Street in San Francisco with several magazines with my pictures in them.