
New Stunning Image of the M87 Black Hole Shows its Magnetic Fields

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), which was responsible for producing the first-ever image of a black hole in 2019, has today revealed a new polarized view of the M87 black hole that reveals the structure of its magnetic fields, key in explaining how it is able to launch energetic jets from its core.

How to Take a Picture of a Black Hole

The first-ever picture of a black hole was unveiled yesterday, generating a huge amount of interest and excitement across the world. But how exactly was this picture captured? Well, it definitely wasn't as simple as "pointing and clicking" a giant camera.

Zoom Into the Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way

Scientists just further confirmed what has long been believed: that there's a supermassive black hole scientists named Sagittarius A* at the center of our Milky Way galaxy. This mind-blowing 1.5-minute video zooms in from a wide view of the night sky into the tiny little area where the latest telescopic observations were just made.

Black Hole to Be Photographed in 2017

Here's an interesting photography first that is set to happen in 2017: scientists are planning to capture the first ever photo of a black hole's event horizon (the boundary of no return that light can't event escape).

Recreating the Incredibly Accurate CGI Black Hole in Interstellar with In-Camera Elements

The black hole in the highly-anticipated Christopher Nolan blockbuster Interstellar has already made headlines. Put together with some serious mathematical help from astrophysicist Kip Thorne, it was so accurate he's actually going to get a few academic papers out of it.

It is, however, 100% CGI and as such outside of our purview as photographers... until now. Just a few days away from the movie's debut, Shanks FX and PBS decided to recreate the effect using all in-camera elements they've shown you how to create before.

Behind the Scenes with Fabian Oefner and His Stunning New ‘Orchids’ Series

Photographer Fabian Oefner's work with paint -- all part of his "Paint Action" or "Three" cycle of photo series -- never ceases to impress. His previous Black Hole and Liquid Jewels series highlighted the effects of centrifugal force and air pressure on paint, respectively.

The final series in the cycle, Orchids, explores the effects of gravity -- and, as always, it does so in the most colorful (and messy) way possible. What's more, this time we have a chance to watch him work behind the scenes!

Colorful Photos of Paint Being Flung by a Spinning Drill

Swiss photographer Fabian Oefner calls himself a "curious investigator," and says that his mission is to "harness elemental forms of natural phenomena and capture them in the most stunning way possible." An example of this can be seen in his recent project titled "Black Hole," which features photos showing lines of color emanating from a "black hole."