Fujifilm Isn’t Telling the Whole Truth About the GFX 100 II

Last month, Fujifilm held one of its X Summit events, using the occasion to launch the Fujifilm GFX100 II. The new flagship medium-format camera has attracted significant attention, and with good reason. However, the camera is enigmatic regarding high-speed shooting performance and dynamic range.

Repairing a Olympus Lens with a Torn PCB, From Start to Finish

While cleaning one of my camera sensors, I noticed my incredibly pocketable and convenient 12mm f/2.0 Olympus lens developed a fatal flaw. A rather large reflective fragment became dislodged inside the lens and was robbing me of precious photons. I couldn't fully clean the rear element with compressed air and a microfiber cloth, so I decided to dig a little deeper and disassemble the lens.

Hasselblad X1D II 50C Teardown: Look Inside a $5,750 Medium Format Camera

It’s not often that you get your hands on a Hasselblad, so when we received the $5,750 Hasselblad X1D II 50C in the office, to say we were excited would be an understatement. According to Hasselblad, the medium format camera is described as compact, powerful, and enhanced, and we can attest to it.

Focal Length, Diagonals, and Depth in Photos

I’ve long strived for depth in certain photos. I like a line that begins in the lower corner and heads for the diagonally opposite upper corner.

Sphere Camera Darren Aronofsky

Darren Aronofsky Says it Takes 12 People to Use the 18K Sphere Camera

The music and entertainment arena Sphere opened in September in Las Vegas and the striking venue is the largest spherical building in the world. It features the world's biggest and highest-resolution screens and its content is captured using a state-of-the-art 18K cinema camera, which was conceived, developed and built by the Sphere Studios team specifically for Sphere.