Search Results for: leica

A vintage black camera with a large silver lens is displayed against a gray background featuring faint outlines of various camera models. The camera has several dials and buttons on its top surface. The lens is prominently extended towards the viewer.

The Fascinating History of Leica Copies, From Braun to Zorki

Throughout photographic history, few cameras have had the kind of defining influence that can compare to the original Barnack Leica. It’s only natural that the industry of the time would react impulsively to the arrival of such a new, exciting, and innovative breed of camera – which is exactly what happened.

Three-panel image showing a man in a business setting unloading a large, tube-shaped object from a trolley, displaying its front view, and inspecting its inner part.

See Portraits Shot With Leica’s $2 Million 1600mm f/5.6 Lens

Leica is no stranger to expensive cameras and lenses. For example, last October, a Leica 0-series camera from 1923 sold at auction for about $3.7 million. However, not all Leica equipment worth millions is anywhere near that old. Enter the Leica Apo-Telyt-R 1600mm f/5.6 super-telephoto (or super-super-telephoto) prime lens worth $2 million.

Leica Q3

Leica Q3 Review From a Canon Photographer: Hit and Miss

Like many photographers, I've spent years hunting the impossible combination: a high-quality camera that's also compact. Must haves: a great sensor and a wide aperture wide angle lens. Today, I’ll walk you through the meandering journey that eventually led me to the Leica Q3.