
A couple dressed in wedding attire poses for a photograph with a young flower girl. The photographer captures the moment as the flower girl, holding a basket, points excitedly. The background features greenery and a decorative floral arch.

What Will It Be Like to be a Wedding Photographer in the Future?

It’s fascinating to look back over my 10+ years as a wedding photographer and see the evolution the industry has gone through. That’s not to mention all the drastic changes that happened before my time. It makes one wonder what it will be like to be a wedding photographer in the future.

A wedding ceremony is taking place outdoors under a canopy of trees. Guests are seated on white chairs arranged in rows, facing the couple and officiant. The background features a scenic vineyard with rolling hills and clear skies. String lights are hung between the trees.

How to Create a Wedding Photography Timeline

One of the crucial elements of a wedding day is the timeline. As photographers, the timeline dictates what types of photos you’ll be shooting and when you’ll be shooting them. Today we’re going to talk about how to create a wedding photography timeline to make your shooting experience better for you and your clients.

A bride in a white dress and veil walks down a wooden boardwalk next to a man in a suit towards an outdoor gathering. The setting features a picturesque lake and mountains in the background, with seated guests on both sides of the aisle.

How to Market Your Wedding Photography Business

Marketing is probably the least favorite but most important part of being a photographer. You just want to make art but the reality is you have to sell it first. Let’s talk about the wonderful world of wedding photography business marketing.

A person holding a sony camera with a zeiss lens, adjusting settings on the dial with their right hand. focus is on the camera, showing details of the buttons and lens.

The Benefits of Shooting Mirrorless as a Wedding Photographer

We switched to shooting mirrorless as wedding photographers as soon as we were able to accomplish everything we wanted to accomplish without compromising our photos. For us, this meant waiting until we had a lighting set-up that worked for us, and as soon as we solved that we pulled the trigger. Now, having shot mirrorless for a handful of wedding seasons I can’t imagine going back.

Instax Mini 99

The Fujifilm Instax Mini 99 is a Lot of Fun

I haven’t used an instant camera in a very long time, and I must admit that when the new Fujifilm Instax Mini 99 showed up I was a little flippant about it. After my time with it, I'm happy to admit I was wrong.

The First Look Debate from a Wedding Photographer’s Perspective

Normally when I write articles about photography, I’m not very polemic -- I try to stay neutral and give advice that photographers can apply to their own personal wedding photography style even if it differs from my own. I care more about giving people solid advice than worrying about clickbait.

I Caught My Wedding Photography Nightmare on Camera

Being a wedding photographer for me is one of the best, if not the best, jobs in the world. As expected though, the best job in the world also has its negatives, and one of them is the reoccurring nightmares the night before a wedding day.

How to Make Up for Lost Time on the Big Day as a Wedding Photographer

Your bride still hasn’t put her dress on and you’ve reminded her three times. You see all the breathing room you created into your wedding day schedule slowly disappearing. And, the worst part, you know that you’ll be the one that has to make up for lost time or else get blamed for screwing up the wedding day schedule.

The Best and Worst Parts of Being a Wedding Photographer

It looks like a glamorous job, taking photos in beautiful places and a dance party every night. Or maybe it looks like the worst job ever, dealing with high expectations and family drama. Wherever you stand on the subject, listen up because I’m going to share the best and worst parts of the job to help you decide if you should be a wedding photographer.

5 Steps To Make A Living From Photographing Elopements

Ten years ago, if you heard the word elopement, your thoughts might first go to images of a shotgun wedding in Las Vegas (or Gretna Green if you’re from the UK). These elopements would be typically short and sweet, no fuss, and over within an hour.

How to Consistently Take Good Wedding Photos

To be a wedding photographer you need to be able to consistently take good wedding photos. You need to be able to nail everything from the first kiss to the newlywed couple's sendoff in a way that delights your clients.

What to Wear When Photographing a Wedding

Today I’m going to answer the question that’s been burning on your heart. What oh what should I wear when photographing a wedding? It’s a more important question than you might realize but not for the reasons you think.

Using Flash in Wedding Photography: What You Need to Know

Let’s talk about wedding photography flash and what you need to know. Shooting with flash can be intimidating if you’re just starting out but it can be freeing the more you know how to use it. There might be times when you need to use flash and there might be times when you choose to use flash.

Why Referrals Are Key in Marketing Your Wedding Photography

There are countless marketing strategies used by wedding photographers, but referrals are key in marketing your wedding photography. When starting or growing your business you’ll likely have to implement a variety of marketing techniques. As you fine-tune your process it becomes easy to see the value of referrals.