

Capturing Serene Photos of Iceland’s Volcanic Lava Flows

During his recent trip to Iceland, landscape and adventure photographer Michael Shainblum managed to check a decade-old subject off of his photography bucket list by capturing some incredible images of lava during a volcanic eruption in Fagradalsfjall.

Photos of the Sulfur Miners at the Ijen Volcano in Indonesia

Every day hundreds of men climb the 9,000 feet to the summit of Mount Ijen located in Java, Indonesia and then trek 3,000 feet down into the crater to break slabs of sulfur. Each load of sulfur is around 100-135 pounds, which is the approximate total body weight of the miners.

Timelapse Reveals How Quickly Mount St. Helens Grows

Mount St. Helens's famous eruption in 1980 was the deadliest and costliest volcanic event in the history of the United States. In 2004, a new dome-building eruption began that lasted 4 years, and a camera was pointed at the volcano to capture the growth as a timelapse.

What it is Like to Fly a Drone Near a Volcano… And Then Crash It

If you watched the news or were connected to the internet the first week of June, chances are good that you have seen a video of a drone crashing into an erupting volcano. Well, that drone was mine and it got completely disintegrated. In my latest video, I share what it is like to fly a drone around a volcano and what you have to look out for.