
Nikon Zfc 30-Day Trial

You Can Try the Nikon Zfc for 30 Days

Nikon has returned to a somewhat unusual and very consumer-friendly marketing tactic with a new 30-day Trial program for the retro-inspired Nikon Zfc APS-C mirrorless camera.

Judge Rules Model’s Lawsuit Against Getty Will Go to Trial

Several months after model Avril Nolan sued stock photography giant Getty Images for displaying her portrait and licensing it to the New York State Division of Human Rights for an HIV-related advertisement, a judge ruled the lawsuit will be taken to court rather than dismissed as Getty had hoped for.

Alleged Serial Killer Stung By Courtroom Photo Critique

It's one thing, apparently, to be accused of multiple murders, sexual assault and breathtaking cruelty. But lousy photography skills?

That was the scene in a Northern California courtroom on Wednesday, as alleged serial killer Joseph Naso tried to establish his credentials as a photographer, a key part of his self-constructed defense as he faces four counts of murder.

First Round of Fight Over Iconic Haiti Photo Goes to Photog

Earlier this year photographer Daniel Morel was shocked when a photograph he captured during the devastating earthquake in Haiti and posted to TwitPic was distributed by Agency France Presse (AFP) and published on the front page of newspapers around the world -- all without his permission.

To add insult to injury, he was then sued by AFP when he sent cease and desist letters in response to the copyright infringement. The dispute has turned into a legal battle over whether images uploaded to TwitPic and shared on Twitter can be freely republished by third parties. In what might be an indication of things to come, a federal court has denied AFP's pre-trial request to have the case thrown out.