
Comedy sketch about photographers

What People Think Photographers Do…

Photography -- is it a lucrative and glamorous job filled with travel, a hobby with an eye-watering amount spent on unnecessary gear, or something in between? Photographer Niels de Kemp pokes fun at the different misconceptions people have about what photography is all about in this humorous 2.5-minute tongue-in-cheek sketch.

Introducing the Zenzablad: Apologies to Victor Hasselblad

For the last 50 years, we’ve all had to live with the Hasselblad Super Wide C's flaws, its shortcomings, its chunky "industrial chic" looks and function. Like most everyone else, I’ve had the same thoughts and visceral reaction when it came to this particular camera.

Why Real Photographers NEED To Keep Buying New Gear

I can’t think of any other profession outside of photography where the pros obsess about their tools quite as much as we do. I’ll pause for a moment so you can write your own joke.

8 Unfortunate Stages Every Street Photographer Goes Through

This article is a (tongue-in-cheek) description of the progression of your everyday street photographer -- the 8 stages every street photographer will inevitably find themselves journeying through. Enjoy!

S**t Leica Photographers Say…

German freelance photographer Samuel Lintaro Hopf made thus humorous 8-minute video that features a whole bunch of things you may hear coming out of a Leica photographer's mouth.

Wildlife Photographer’s Camera Fails, Humorous Drawings Ensue

When nature photographer Donny Moore went out to shoot an annual bird migration last month, his camera unexpectedly failed during the outing. To "bring some levity" to the sad situation and to make the most of his time in nature, Moore decided to start sketching instead with his kids' art supplies.

Your Instagram Clichés Are Not Welcome in New Zealand

New Zealand has released a humorous new tourism commercial that pokes fun at the tired old Instagram clichés that tourists on the island nation flood social media with. The 2.5-minute ad above is titled "Travelling Under the Social Influence."

Photog Breaks Down the 8 ‘Phases’ of Becoming a Photographer

The photographer's "journey" is, generally speaking, a pretty predictable thing. We all go through certain "phases" as we pick up and learn this craft—some more gracefully than others—and so, in the spirit of lighthearted candor, photographer and YouTuber Evan Ranft has decided to share his take on the 8 major phases of being a photographer.

Why I’m Hanging Up My Cameras to Become a Conceptual Artist

After 14 years as a professional photographer, I've decided to become a real artist. The pieces above, which I’ve birthed over the past 72 hours, show what I’m evolving into as a creator. I present to you my Suspended Sustenance, Part 1 (foodstuffs, wood, paint, tape, 2019).

An ASMR Video for Photographers

ASMR videos have exploded in popularity over the past few years. Capitalizing on this trend, photographer Noe Alonzo of South Korea made this 6-minute tongue-in-cheek video titled "Camera ASMR" with sounds photography lovers will appreciate (you may need to turn up your sound for the full effect).

This Music Video is About Camera Gear Lust

Canadian photographer Taylor Jackson just dropped this new music video for a song titled "Gear Lust." It's about the never-ending desire some photographers have for getting more and more camera gear -- something popularly referred to as Gear Acquisition Syndrome (G.A.S.).

The Terrible History of Photographs, Sesame Street-Style

It has never been easier to shoot and share photos than in our modern Instagram age. The YouTube puppet web series Glove and Boots made this tongue-in-cheek 5-minute video on the "terrible history of photographs" to explain how much time and effort it took to do photography in past eras.

9 Signs You Might be Turning into a Lifestyle Photographer

It started out innocently enough. You were a landscape photographer, a solitary scenery hunter, a planet-loving, tree-hugging, mountain-climbing, river-crossing, track-scrambling wanderer in the wilds. You loved documenting our planet and all of its hidden little nooks and crannies.

The Dark Truth Behind the Sensor Size War

Want to learn about the history of digital camera sensor sizes? Camera Conspiracies made this entirely serious and fantastically educational 11-minute video on the dark history behind the digital camera industry's sensor size war (warning: it contains profanity).

The Essence of the Street Photographer

Since the availability of Phase One's new 150-megapixel system hardware, the prices on lesser equipment have fallen surprisingly. I was therefore able, recently, to purchase a lightly used Hasselblad H6D-100c, with a couple of lenses, at a relative steal.

This Guy is a Professional Divorce Photographer

As the wedding photography industry gets more and more saturated with competition, some photographers may switch over into different niches that aren't as hot. Here's a 1.5-minute video that offers a glimpse into the work of Tom Byrd, a professional divorce photographer.

How to Turn Any DSLR into a Mirrorless Camera

Can't wait for Nikon and Canon to launch their new mirrorless cameras and want to fork over money for the ones already on the market? Photographer Eric Rossi made this 4-minute video that shows how you can convert your existing DSLR camera into a mirrorless camera.

The Milk Bath Portrait and How it Changed Everything

Through his most famous character’s lips, Arthur Conan Doyle once lamented “There is nothing new under the sun.” But he was wrong. Because I recently saw a photograph that was so utterly unique and awe-inspiring that it instantly froze the Lucky Charms-laden spoon that had been traveling toward my waiting craw. I’d just seen my first milk bath portrait, and never again would I be the same.

GQ Mocks Vanity Fair Photoshop Fail on Comedy Issue Cover

Is it April Fool’s day yet? Because GQ just won next year’s contest (if there were one). In jest of all the botched jobs on other magazine covers, they decided to release this cover for the Comedy Issue with the best/worst issues! How many can you spot?