
Study Confirms There is Still Demand for New Film Cameras

I am sure that film lovers will not be surprised to read that the recent resurgence of analog photography is not just a passing trend. In fact, the demand for a revitalized analog photography industry could not be more evident.

Selfie Culture: What Your Choice of Camera Angle Says About You

Over the past decade, selfies have become a mainstay of popular culture. If the #selfie hashtag first appeared in 2004, it was the release of the iPhone 4 in 2010 that saw the pictures go viral. Three years later, the Oxford English Dictionary crowned “selfie” word of the year.

Study Reveals What Most People Want in Their Next Phone Camera

Smartphone manufacturers make a lot of changes to devices each year both in software and hardware. Many of those updates sound great on paper, but are all of them appreciated by buyers? In a study by BlinkAI, the organization sought to find out what was actually important to a majority of consumers.

Selfie-Takers May Be Spreading COVID-19 to Gorillas

The next time you find yourself wanting to take a selfie with a gorilla, you may want to think twice: a new research study has found that tourists who try to take pictures with wild mountain gorillas could be putting the animals in danger of getting COVID-19 and other diseases.

How to Photograph Dogs like Elliott Erwitt

The relationship between man and dog is unlike man’s relationship with any other animal on the planet. When it comes to animal photography, you can find many books, online lessons, or YouTube videos showing you and teaching you how to photograph animals... so that they look like animals. This article is not going to be the typical wildlife photography manual where you sneak up on a dog in a nature documentary style or take a shot with an 800mm lens hidden in the mud.

Twenty Meters of Rocks: Revisiting the Same Spot Multiple Times

Tyrifjorden is one of Norway’s largest lakes. Along its shores, I have found a spot that I have visited frequently over the past few years. It has become my favorite location for sunrises, especially during winter when the sun rises right in front of me.