
DJI Launches the Mavic 3 and Mavic 3 Cine Dual-Camera Drones

DJI has announced the Mavic 3 and Mavic 3 Cine drones that feature two main cameras. The first features a 4/3-sized, 20-megapixel sensor behind a 24mm adjustable aperture prime lens, and the second is a 28x hybrid zoom camera, effectively combining the Mavic 2 Pro and Mavic 2 Zoom, but with upgraded hardware.

The REVORING is a Variable Step-Up Ring that Works with All Your Lenses

The folks at filter manufacturer H&Y have just unveiled a variable step-up ring for your camera lens filters called the REVORING. The idea is simple, brilliant, and apparently extremely popular: the REVORING Kickstarter campaign was fully funded in just 90 minutes, and has already raised almost $170,000.

Try to be The Dumbest Photographer In The World

I always say the Universe's favorite hiding place for the most awesome stuff is right behind fear. Isn't that a little unfair? Why doesn't the Universe put the great stuff right before the fear, so everyone can enjoy pure bliss?

Fireside SmartFrame is an Intelligent Digital Picture Frame That Shows You Pics You Want to See

Digital picture frames seemed like a brilliant idea about six or seven years ago. But the low-res screens, clunky interfaces and lack of any sort of standard operational platform left them to be a fairly niche market floundered when it arrived into the world.

Fireside is a small start-up that's looking to breathe new life and ideas into this market. After two years of development, they’ve created a "smart" picture frame called SmartFrame that rethinks how photos are curated and displayed on the walls of your home.

Pepper Spray Camera Snaps and Sends a Photo of Attacker to Authorities

What you see above is a strange conglomeration of technologies that surprisingly makes for a pretty useful end product.

Currently in its crowdfunding stage on IndieGoGo, The Defender is a self-defense tool that combines a camera with a bottle of pepper spray. As you probably already figured out, the idea is to capture a photo of the perpetrator while simultaneously defending yourself... but it doesn’t end there.