
Watch a Photoshop Pro Teach His Mom to Edit Photos

Photoshop expert and photo editing teacher Aaron Nace just took on his most inexperienced pupil yet: his mom. In a special episode of Phlearn, Aaron sat down with his mom to teach her how to edit some of his childhood photos in Photoshop. The result is both entertaining and, if you're a rote beginner like Mrs. Nace, a great intro to photo editing.

Corel Reveals PaintShop Pro 2020 with Content-Aware ‘SmartClone’ and More

Earlier today, Corel launched a new version of PaintShop Pro that includes some intriguing features for photographers. Boasting intelligent new cloning and selection tools and costing just $80 for the full suite, PaintShop Pro 2020 promises to "meet the needs of photographers and content creators at an unbeatable value."

Lightroom Shootout: $6,700 iMac Pro vs $5,700 PC

Pye Jirsa over at SLR Lounge recently published a Mac vs PC comparison that answers an important question for photographers: which is better for Adobe Lightroom Classic CC, a powerful iMac Pro or an equivalent custom-built PC?

Pixelmator Pro Extension Adds Layers, RAW Editing and More to Apple Photos

Earlier today, popular macOS Photoshop alternative Pixelmator Pro just released a major update. Pixelmator Pro 1.4 'Hummingbird' adds a slew of useful new features, but the biggest news is the addition of an Apple Photos extension that turns Apple's built-in photos app into a full-blown editing suite by integrating all of Pixelmator's features.

Explaining Bit Depth and Debunking a Common Myth

Each year, someone new comes along to try and demystify bit depth for the masses. In 2017 it was Tutvid, in 2018 Greg Benz did a great job in this article, and now StyleMyPic has created a comprehensive and easy-to-follow video that explains exactly what bit depth is, how it works, and debunks a common myth.

Building The Ultimate Photo Editing Workstation

Building a solid workstation is critical to photographers and retouchers. We find ourselves sitting at the desk for 7-10 hours a day to meet deadlines. If you dread going to your editing station, it can make post-processing a chore that you don't look forward to, which means delayed deadlines and unhappy clients.

How to Remove Flare from Photos Without Cloning

To shoot directly into the sun is both challenging and fun. Challenging because it can be difficult to control the light and, not least, our images are very often marred by sun flare. One simple way of avoiding flare is to shoot an extra exposure with one finger or more obscuring the sun.

These Teens Were Asked to Edit Their Portrait for Social Media

The British photographer Rankin recently conducted an experiment for a project titled "Selfie Harm." He photographed 15 teenagers between ages 13 and 19 and gave them the untouched portraits to edit themselves. Each teen was instructed to retouch their face until it was "social media ready."

10 Photoshop Hacks for Portraits

Photographer Irene Rudnyk made this 22-minute video to share her top 10 Photoshop hacks when working on portraits. These are tips and tricks Rudnyk says she uses all the time on all of her photos.

How to Shoot and Retouch a Dynamic Cosmetics Ad in Photoshop

Highly stylized looks offer a great learning opportunity to the beginner or intermediate product photographer. When items are placed on a composite-heavy background, there are certain considerations we can make in-camera to avoid a headache in Photoshop.

This is Why You Don’t Hire a $0.25 Photo Retoucher

After discovering retouching services being offered on Fiverr, the popular platform that lets freelancers offer ultra-cheap services, photographer Irene Rudnyk recently decided to conduct an experiment to see what kind of results you can get for $10 and less.

This is Age-Reduction Retouching in 4K

Here's a video that may blow your mind. Los Angeles-based digital compositor and beauty artist Rousselos Aravantinos made this short video showing the digital age reduction retouching he can do on a 4K video. He's able to make an older woman realistically look like she's decades younger.

A Black and White Comparison: What Does Retouching Tell Us About Photojournalism?

This week, TIME magazine published James Nachtwey’s photo essay on the opioid crisis. Over his decades-long career, Nachtwey has carved out a reputation as a stoic and relentless documentarian of conflict and pain. His latest effort took over a year to produce, and it has all the hallmarks of great photojournalism, providing a level of intimacy and rawness that can only be captured with persistence and skill.

Hilariously Bad Family Photos Go Viral

This photo shoot just won the Internet... for how bad the Photoshop job was. Pam Dave Zaring says she got back her family photos from the professional photographer they hired... and nearly died laughing. She then posted the photos on Facebook, where they've been going absolutely viral.