
This is the First 8K Video Shot in Space

NASA has released the first 8K footage ever shot in space. This 3-minute video was captured aboard the International Space Station using a RED Helium 8K camera, and it shows the astronaut residents living, working, and conducting research.

I Shot the World’s First Drone Tintype

I've been shooting tintypes for almost six years now and love to push the boundaries of what is possible with this slow and difficult photographic process. Taking a tintype from the air was an idea that, years ago, I had shelved as the technology wasn't there yet. Drones were pretty scarce and the ones I had seen were extremely limited in payload and stability. But this spring I decided to revisit the idea.

Sony Unveils Blazing Fast a9: A 24MP Sports Camera that Shoots 20fps

Holy frames per second Batman! Sony just raised the bar on high-speed sports photography with their latest "groundbreaking" (but actually) camera release. The newly-announced Sony a9 is a 24MP high-end full-frame mirrorless sports camera that can fire off an insane 20fps with no blackout.

Photog without Work Visa Enlists 7-Year-Old Daughter’s Help for Exhibition

When American photographer Alex Soth arrived in the UK earlier this year to work on a commission for the city of Brighton's photo biennial, he was told by the customs officer at the airport that he couldn't do his photography work without a work visa, and that getting caught might result in two years of jail time.

Instead of going ahead with the project anyway or calling it off, Soth decided to hand his camera over to his 7-year-old daughter Carmen. The duo strolled around Brighton for a few hours each day, with Alex directing many of Carmen's photographs while Carmen looked to check off entries on the shooting list she made (shown above).

HDR Video Demonstration Made with Two Canon 5D Mark IIs

You've most likely seen HDR photographs before, but how about HDR video? The above is a demonstration of HDR video by Soviet Montage, created using two Canon 5D Mark II DSLR cameras. Both cameras recorded identical scenes using a beam splitter, and captured the footage at different exposure values (over and under exposed).

PhotoSketch Turns Your Sketches into Photo Montages

When there's something in the news regarding photography, like Stanford's open source camera, I'm usually not the first to post about it. However, since I have a background in both photography and computer science, hopefully I can provide some unique insight into certain news stories.