
Expose to the Left: How to Really Maximize Image Quality at Night

We hear everyone in the photography industry talking about image quality, image quality, image quality. We especially hear about this in any circle of people chatting (or writing) about night photography. Conversations (and books, articles and blog posts) are rife with opinions and advice about how to push the limits of our cameras and lenses in order to get the best image quality in low-light situations.

The Real Reason You Suck on Photo Sharing Sites: The Bots are Beating You

Photographers join photo-sharing sites for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s as simple as a need for recognition and the occasional pat-on-the-back. In fact, I suspect that’s the reason most people join these sites in the first place; a little bit of recognition is worth big dollars in the feel-good bank.

Silly Comedy Skit Explains How Photo and Cinema Zoom Lenses Differ

For us photo-people, the insane price tag on some Cinema zoom lenses makes zero sense. Why not just use really nice photography glass? What makes a Cinema zoom lens worth it? A lot, actually, and this short little comedy bit illustrates the difference between the two options perfectly.

Humor: Marriage Proposals in the Age of Instagram

Comedian John Crist made this humorous 3-minute video poking fun of the "The Millennial Marriage Proposal," in which a girlfriend being proposed to (played by Megan Batoon) is too focused on the resulting photos and videos to enjoy the moment.

The Sassy Invoice You Wish You Could Give Your Worst Clients

On a recent business trip to San Francisco to help my long-time friend and talented photographer Jenn Collins on her retouching workflow, she graciously gifted me in the best way possible. She knows my sense of humor and somehow found this loose-leaf paper book of the sassiest invoices I had ever seen!

Living a Satisfying and Fulfilling Life Won’t Improve Your Photography

Recently, I have seen a number of misconceptions floating around regarding the best way to improve oneself as a photographer. As a highly experienced photographer whose photos have been on the bottom of the Flickr Explore page on numerous occasions, I feel qualified to correct many of these assumptions and damaging tendencies.

The Photographer’s Guide To Choosing the Right Bio Picture

Photographers are a narcissistic breed. Not me, of course, but my colleagues are. We’ve got profiles on dozens of websites and we must tell the world what we are doing at our jobs every day and in real-time -- we just have to. It’s compulsory.

Guy Epically Photobombs Newspaper Photographer Shooting a Demolition

This is painful to watch. After spending all day setting up and preparing to capture a smokestack demolition for her newspaper, Reading Eagle staff photographer Susan L. Angstadt was horrendously, tragically, epically photobombed by a guy with an iPhone during the moment of truth.

How NOT to Sell Photo Paper Online

Oh dear. Photographer Justin Borucki spotted this facepalm-worthy eBay posting this weekend and shared it with the folks over at PopPhoto. So let's play a game together. Take a look and tell us: what's wrong with this picture?

Parody Film Pokes Fun at Photo-Crazed Wedding Guests

Wedding photographers these days often find themselves competing with guests who spend the whole ceremony shooting photos with smartphones, DSLRs, and even tablets. The short film above, titled "Unplugged," is a parody that shows why couples are sometimes choosing to have an "unplugged" wedding free of these distractions.