
Google+ Now Has Retro Filters

The success of Instagram has shown that photo filters are very much in demand with the general population. Facebook is rumored to be working on its own retro filters, but Google has beaten it to the punch: today the company introduced a wide range of creative filters to Google+'s Creative Kit. The filters (called "Effects") include looks that mimic daguerreotypes, Reala 400 film, Polaroid pictures, Lomo, Holga, and even cross processed film.

Some Instagram Users Unhappy Over Changes to Filters

If you're a longtime Instagram user that recently upgraded to Version 2, you might have noticed that the filters don't quite feel the same. Don't worry, it's not just you: each of the filters was indeed tweaked in the app's overhaul. Despite the new live view and faster response times, many users aren't too happy about the changes that were done to their beloved filters. Owen Billcliffe over at My Glass Eye did a side-by-side comparison between old and new filters to show the differences. The filter shown above, "Lord Kelvin", has a significantly different look in the new version.

How to Recreate the Look of Instagram Filters with Vintage Cameras and Films

Instagram's filters are meant to mimic the look of vintage and toy cameras, but have you ever wondered which cameras and films you'd need to make analog photos with the same look? The folks over at 1000memories decided to tackle this question and, after a good amount of research, came up with a neat infographic showing the different camera and film combinations you can use to recreate popular Instagram filters.

Instagram Filters That Missed the Cut

Instagram's popular filters have spent the last year permeating into every corner of the photographic world, but for every one that was included in the app, thousands are left on the cutting room floor. Blake Williams over at Keepsy was given a behind-the-scenes peek into some of the filters that didn't make the cut. The one above was named "Dirty Bird".

Famous Photos Seen Through Instagram Filters

What would famous photographs look like if the photographers who created them had been using Instagram? That's a question that's answered by Mastergram, a site that takes the work of renowned photographers and passes them through Instagram filters.

Experimenting with Stacks of UV Filters

One of the benefits of running a gear rental business is that you have a ton of equipment you can use for random experiments. That's exactly what Roger Cicala, the owner of LensRentals, did with the UV filters he had on hand. One-upping the 19 filter stack we shared a while back, he mounted 50 different UV filters to a Canon 5D Mark II and 300 f/4 lens to see what the resulting images would look like.

When Protecting Your Lens Goes Too Far

How far can you go in protecting your gear before people start thinking you have serious issues? We're not exactly sure, but the guy in the photo above probably crossed that line quite a few filters ago. Thankfully (or sadly, depending on how you see it) the guy isn't actually an uber-paranoid photographer, but just someone from the BorrowLenses team having a little fun.