
Leaked Photos of Sony a7C Show Full-Frame Camera with Corner EVF

With only a weekend standing between us and the scheduled reveal of the "new concept" Sony a7C on Monday evening, product shots have officially leaked. The photos confirm everything we've heard so far about a compact full-frame camera with a corner-mounted EVF and new kit lens.

Everything We ‘Know’ About the Upcoming Canon 6D Mark II

If you're a big fan of Canon's cameras but can't quite muster the pocket money to buy the newest 5D, you're probably keen on news about a different camera: the followup to Canon's entry-level full-frame 6D, the 6D Mark II. Sadly, that camera is still a ways off, but here's everything we "know" so far.

Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II Will be Tuned for Sports Photography, Report

It's been nearly three years since Olympus debuted the popular OM-D E-M1 to the world in September of 2013, but those hoping for a replacement may not have to wait much longer. According to fresh reports, the E-M1 Mark II is set to debut at Photokina touting better sports photo capability.

Rumor: The Sony a7RIII May Boast an 80MP Sensor

It's a few days late for outlandish April Fools' jokes, but that won't stop us from taking this next rumor with a big grain of salt. The Sony a7RII's successor may, it seems, come to market toting a 70-80MP sensor... take that Canon!

Rumor: Sony and Mamiya to Release Medium Format Rangefinder-Style Cameras in 2015

Earlier this year, rumors began spreading of an upcoming Sony Medium Format camera that would be unlike any digital medium format system on the market. The camera would be 'completely different' and reports claimed it would also be the cheapest digital medium format option out there.

Well, if you found that rumor far-fetched, hold on to your hats, because a 'very good source' is reporting that this rangefinder-styled camera is indeed real... and what's more, it will have some competition when it arrives.

First Set of Rumored Specs for the D800s Appear Online

It's still early on in the rumor-gathering process for Nikon's D800/D800E successor -- possibly called the D800s -- but rumor sites have already gotten their hands on a first set of leaked specs for the mysterious followup.