
Photo App Turns Users Into Unwitting Spies for US Military

Premise is a micro gig worker app with photography as a core task, paying users around the world to complete simple assignments for small payments. What those users don't know, however, is that they may essentially be unwitting spies for the US military or other governments and entities.

Profoto Launches Camera App with New ‘Profoto Raw’ Photo Mode

Profoto has been slowly adapting its products to work more seamlessly with mobile devices and it has built on top of that with the launch of the Profoto Camera app. Separate from the Profoto Control app, the Profoto Camera app is both for lighting control and photo capture that includes a new RAW format.

Turn Your iPad Into a Drawing Tablet: Sidecar vs Astropad vs Duet vs Luna

If you own an iPad and an Apple Pencil, there are several ways to pair them with your computer and transform them into a high-quality drawing tablet for photo editing. There's Apple's own Sidecar feature, the popular app Astropad, the hardware-assisted option Luna Display, and the "made by ex-Apple engineers" Duet Pro. I wanted to see which of these options offers the most features and the best experience for the photographer on the go.

Clubhouse for Photographers: Social Media as We Know It is About to Change

Many photographers have had the same reaction that I did upon hearing about yet another new social media app hitting the radar: a yawn and a roll of the eyes. We have seen countless apps and image-sharing sites emerge with fanfare and then fail to gain traction in the crowded sphere of social media, and we feel pressed to carve out time for the platforms that we already use.

Adobe Lightroom v6 is Falling Apart

Lightroom version 6.0, officially Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 2015, was the last major release of Lightroom that was available with a perpetual license (i.e. a one-time purchase). Unfortunately, some users who don't wish to make the jump to paying a subscription through the Creative Cloud are finding that "perpetual" isn't as all-encompassing as they thought.

Leica’s FOTOS App is Now 100% Free

When Leica launched version 2.0 of its FOTOS universal smartphone app last year, it became a freemium app that had optional Pro features you could subscribe to for $70 a year. But Leica has now quietly made FOTOS 100% free.