Search Results for: pentax

First Look: This is the Upcoming Pentax APS-C Flagship DSLR

Last week, Ricoh revealed that it would be releasing a new flagship Pentax APS-C DLSR in 2020, but they shared very few details and only one low-resolution photo of the upcoming camera. Fortunately, photographer Niels Kemp was at the Pentax 100 Years of History event in The Netherlands, and sent us a few first-look photos.

One Year with the Pentax 645Z

Almost one year ago, my Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS) started flaring up. I started getting interested in medium format photography, and the Pentax 645Z caught my attention.

Pentax K1000 Overhaul Video Reveals the SLR’s Mechanical Beauty

Here's a video by the Camera Repair Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, that shows an overhaul they did recently of a Pentax K1000 film SLR -- the "dirtiest Pentax [they've] seen in a very long time." The 3 to 4 hour examination and cleaning is condensed down to 2.5 minutes, and shows the beautiful mechanical inner workings of the K1000.

A Real World Review of the Pentax K-1

I got my Pentax K-1 last night and have spent the entire day with it, shooting and getting a feel for the camera. I thought the Pentaxians in the crowd might be interested to read a real world review of Pentax’s newest camera and first full frame offering.

Pentax K-1’s Pixel Shift Rivals Medium Format Dynamic Range, Report

Pentax fans have been waiting for the full-frame K1 with bated breath, and the first impressions coming out of the review community seem to indicate they haven't been holding their breath for nothing. In fact, a new test report claims the K1's dynamic range can compete with medium format!

Here’s the Pentax K-1 Owner’s Manual

Back in February, Pentax announced its first full-frame DSLR, the K-1. The camera, which has some pretty nifty and novel features and fantastic weathersealing, won't start shipping until late April. If you want a look at what the camera can do, the operating manual has appeared online.