Behind the Scenes: A Photo Shoot with the World’s Largest Land Mammal

If you think working with models in a standard studio environment is difficult, you might want to take a look at this. Zurich-based photographer Peter Hebeisen and Circus Director Franco Knie teamed up to plan out and photograph a shoot with the newest addition to the elephant crew, Kalaya.

Using a Hasselblad, 10 power packs, 12 lights, 3 massive parabolic umbrellas, 10 reflectors, and a heck of a lot of patience, the team worked together to get the shots needed of the newborn and her four mates. But, how do you manage to make four-tonne animals cooperate as though they’re just another model in the studio? Then answer is snacks… lots of snacks.

Start off your Saturday with a (literally) heavy dose of cuteness and a pretty cool photo shoot to boot.

(via ISO 1200)
