
Are You Shadowbanned on Instagram? This Website Can Tell You

Last month, we reported on how Instagram has apparently been "shadow banning" certain posts, preventing a photographer's content from being discovered by others without the photographer knowing. If you're curious about whether any of your photos have been shadowbanned, there's a new web app that can check for you.

Flickr’s Main Site Now Displays Well on Mobile Devices (Finally)

Over the past several years, the Web has been moving away from having separate website URLs for mobile and desktop versions and toward having a single "responsive" website that changes its look depending on what device you're visiting with. Flickr today announced that its main website has finally caught up to this trend.

Wesaturate Lets You Download Free RAW Photos for Editing Practice

They say 'practice makes perfect,' and if you want to practice your photo editing, you need some RAW files. That's where a new site/service called Wesaturate comes in. If you don't have time to go out and shoot your own RAWs, or you want more variety, the site wants to provide a source of free RAW files for everyone.

Broncolor’s Free ‘How To’ Section is a Lighting Tutorial Gold Mine

It doesn't matter if you're a beginner, intermediate, or even a professional, you'll want to give Broncolor's free "How To" page a look. There, you'll find nearly 100 pro lighting examples—beautiful photos, each accompanied by a gear list, description, and lighting diagram. It's a tutorial gold mine.

The Real Reason You Suck on Photo Sharing Sites: The Bots are Beating You

Photographers join photo-sharing sites for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s as simple as a need for recognition and the occasional pat-on-the-back. In fact, I suspect that’s the reason most people join these sites in the first place; a little bit of recognition is worth big dollars in the feel-good bank.

This Crop Factor Calculator Makes Sensor Math a Breeze

You can't avoid crop factor these days. Whether your camera sports an APS-C, Micro Four Thirds, 1-inch, or some other size sensor, there will come a time when you'll have to calculate a "full-frame equivalent" and that's when the mmCalc Crop Factor Calculator will come in very handy.

20 Photography Magazines You Should Definitely Follow on Instagram

It’s 2017, and Instagram is now 600 million users strong; that’s a lot of new images/videos and stories each day. An effervescent but non curated activity. Beside all the personal accounts and brands, there’s a few magazines. Some of them revolve around the third art: photography. Let’s get a deeper look…

The White House Flickr Account Just Changed Hands from Obama to Trump

Flickr sent out a message to followers of the White House account today that says, more or less, "Say a fond farewell to Pete Souza." The account that Souza used to chronicle 8 years of the Obama Administration is changing hands. Starting today, the Trump Administration takes over.

This Useful Map Reveals Photography ‘Hotspots’ Around the World

Landscape photographer and travel addict Mike Wong has created a super useful tool for fellow photographers who want some help location scouting. It's called "PhotoSpots," and it's an interactive "heatmap" that reveals photography hotspots around the globe and even pulls sample photos from those locations.

Tip: Use Gmail’s Canned Responses To Save Time And Stress

There's a Gmail add-on feature that photographers and others always seem to benefit from once they find out about it. I've been using it since it has been available and it has been amazing. If there are any responses that you continually re-write over and over again, Gmail's "Canned Responses" feature is there to help.

The Excuses Photographers Make

Photographers make all kinds of excuses, whether out of lack of experience or just because they thought something to be common knowledge (which it often isn't). Taking ownership of your work and communicating expectations is crucial on the path to success and professionalism.

Useful Social Media Image Size Cheat Sheet, 2017 Edition

There are more ways than ever to get your photography noticed online—from photo sharing platforms like Instagram to online resume site LinkedIn. If you intend to use them all, we definitely suggest you give this handy social media image size infographic a peek.

148 Photo Editing Tools and Apps

Earlier this year, after researching photo editing tools, I shared a list of 104 photo editing tools you should know about. After receiving a great deal of interest and feedback from the photography community, I've created one final ultimate list of 148 photo editing tools and photography apps.

This Web Tool Finds Related Instagram Hashtags to Boost Your Reach

Choosing the right hashtags for your Instagram photos can make a big difference in how many eyeballs see your work. If you find yourself constantly struggling to come up with the best relevant hashtags for your photos, there's a new web tool designed just for you. It's called Display Purposes.