
This Web Tool Finds Related Instagram Hashtags to Boost Your Reach

Choosing the right hashtags for your Instagram photos can make a big difference in how many eyeballs see your work. If you find yourself constantly struggling to come up with the best relevant hashtags for your photos, there's a new web tool designed just for you. It's called Display Purposes.

104 Photo Editing Tools You Should Know About

Hello, photographers. For the last two months, I've been doing market research for my project Photolemur and looking for different tools in the area of photo enhancement and photo editing. I spent a lot of time searching, and came up with a large organized list of 104 photo editing tools and photography apps that you should know about.

Blockai Uses the Bitcoin Blockchain to Protect Your Copyright

For better or worse, copyright law hasn't changed much in the United States even as technology has made it far easier for people to steal or "appropriate" your work. But a new service called Blockai thinks it can help by using something called the bitcoin blockchain.

Comparing the Sensor Noise of Top Cameras

Cameras are often pitted each other in the area of image quality, but long exposure sensor noise generally isn't something that you can easily compare online. So photographer Brendan Davey took it upon himself to create such a resource, and the Sensor Noise DB is what resulted.

Flickr To Be Scaled Back As Yahoo Trims 1,700 Jobs

Yahoo announced yesterday that it will be cutting 15% of its workforce, or about 1,700 jobs, in an effort to bring the flagging Internet company back into profitability. The company will also be trimming and shutting down weak and non-essential businesses to focus on core products.

Unfortunately for photographers, Flickr will reportedly be one of the businesses that will see some cutbacks in the very near future.