
How to Clean and Mod the Beam Splitter in a Rangefinder Camera

I recently collaborated with Chris from filmismorefun and made a video about how to clean the beam splitter in your rangefinder camera as well as how to improve the rangefinder patch too. This is an advanced tutorial with great results.

Canon: An 8K EOS R Camera is On the Way

Canon stood on the sidelines while the mirrorless industry went 4K and didn't introduce a 4K mirrorless camera until the EOS M50 in February 2018. But it seems the company is done being complacent: Canon says an 8K EOS R full-frame mirrorless camera is already on its roadmap.

How is Photography Affecting Us?

In the past two decades, most people went from not carrying a camera to always having a smartphone camera with them at all times. With millions upon millions of photos shot (and shared) every single day, how is this explosion in photography affecting us? Here's a 10-minute video by WIRED that explores that question.

How NASA’s Iconic ‘Earthrise’ Photo Was Shot

"Earthrise" is an iconic photo of Earth rising up from the Moon's horizon that's considered one of the most important environmental photos ever made. Here's a fascinating 3-minute visualization by NASA that recreates how the photo was shot in real-time.

Tricks Food Photographers Use to Make Food Look Delicious

Food photographers have an arsenal of tricks up their sleeves to make food look delicious on camera. And more often than not, these hacks make use of non-edible products that aren't appetizing. Blossom has created an eye-opening video that reveals the dirty (sometimes literally) little tricks of food photographers.

4 Portrait Locations You Can Find in Any Neighborhood

Don't have the time or money to travel to picturesque portrait locations? There's like spots for nice portraits in your own backyard. Photographers Tajreen Hedayet and Chloe V. of Tajreen&Co made this short, sweet, and informative 2-minute video on 4 portrait locations you can find in any neighborhood.

This 4K Short Film Shows the Low-Light Abilities of the Nikon Z6

While Nikon's new Z7 full-frame mirrorless camera is the Z Series flagship, the cheaper Z6 is designed to be a low-light powerhouse. Bulgarian filmmaker and photographer Marin Marinov got to test a pre-production Nikon Z6, and he ended up shooting this 1-minute short film titled "Dreaming."

Sneak Peek: This is Content-Aware Fill on Steroids

Adobe Photoshop's Content-Aware Fill is a powerful way to remove portions of photos, but its results can fall short and it doesn't have tools for customizing the results. But that's about to change: it will soon receive a huge upgrade with its own workspace and tools, and the 2-minute video above is a Sneak Peek at what's coming soon.

6 Camera Gear Storage Ideas in 90 Seconds

Looking to organize your ever-growing collection of cameras, lenses, and accessories? Here's a short and sweet video in which Ted Forbes of The Art of Photography shares 6 DIY storage hacks in just 90 seconds.

This Photographer Shows the Violence of the Most Dangerous City in Africa

Cape Town is the most dangerous city in South Africa and one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Freelance photojournalist Leon Knipe follows the police to crime scenes and works to document as many murders as he can. The 5-minute video above by Shaun Swingler is about Knipe's life and work (warning: it contains graphic photos of horrific crime scenes).

This is a $10,000 Canadian Selfie Stick

After watching the spread of the selfie stick over the past several years, photographer Peter McKinnon recently decided to try one himself for the first time. But then he decided he wanted something better... so he built himself a $10,000 ultra-Canadian selfie stick.

Watch the World’s Fastest Camera Car in Action

The world's fastest camera car is a $200,000 Lamborghini Huracán dubbed the "Huracam" that was recently modified to have a gyro-stabilized camera rig on its frunk. Here's a video showing what this beast of a camera car can do.

Why Bad Photographers Think They’re Good

Did you know that the worse you are at photography, the more likely it is that you think you're great at it? It's a cognitive bias in psychology called the Dunning–Kruger effect. Here's an inspiring 9-minute video by photographer Jamie Windsor on how you can avoid falling into this common mental trap and actually become a better photographer.