
Wildlife Camera Trap Captures Man Striking a Pose

Conservation photographer and wildlife tracker Jeff Wirth was reviewing the photos on a camera trap he had set up when he was surprised with this unexpected shot: an unknown man who had spotted the camera and decided to strike a pose.

Bear Crashes Wedding Shoot, Photo Bombs Bride and Groom

Knoxville, TN-based wedding photographer Leah McMahan Edmondson of Gypsy Soul Photography had to deal with an unexpected photobomber at a recent photo shoot in Gatlinburg. While taking portraits of the newlyweds, a large black bear strolled into the background of her shot, before taking a walk down the aisle.

Ice Crystals Captured in a Wet Plate Portrait

New York photographer Justin Borucki has been documenting his city with a pop-up tintype studio out of the back of his car. While shooting a portrait for a client recently, Borucki unexpectedly captured a beautiful leaf-like pattern across the photo due to the frigid wind chill causing ice crystals to form.

When a Panorama Selfie Goes Wrong

The intelligent panorama features on smartphones these days can help capture some pretty neat shots, but they can also produce some very strange results if things go wrong. Mitchell Flann and Erika Gomos were using the Wide Selfie mode on a Samsung Galaxy S7 recently when Gomos sneezed midway through the exposure. The gem above is what resulted.

Bald Eagle Steals GoPro and Takes it for a Joy Ride

Environmental researcher Matt Beedle was using a GoPro camera to capture some shots of bald eagles a couple of years ago and ended up with some unexpected and viral footage: while the camera was rolling, an eagle decided to snatch it up and take it up for some aerial shots.

A Floating Cab, or: The Joy of Getting the Unexpected in Photography

There’s just something about shooting New York City at night. While the city is intriguing and beautiful in the day, there’s something about it when it's lit up at night. The assortment of lights truly jolt the city into existence.

Rally Car Dashcam Falls Out in Crash, Gets Epic Shot

During the Podbrdská Rally Legend 2016 rally car event earlier this month in the Czech Republic, driver Martin Kdér had a rollover accident while taking a turn. His onboard dash cam dropped out of the car during the accident, and it ended up capturing an unexpected shot of the car flying through the air.

Fainting Bridesmaid Leads to the ‘Strangest’ First Kiss Photo

Wedding photographer Sean Cook captured his "strangest photo" a few weeks ago while shooting at a wedding in Chicago. At the exact moment of the bride and groom's first kiss, a bridesmaid (the groom's sister) fainted. The newlyweds now have a "first kiss" wedding photo that features a bridesmaid lying facedown in the background.

Dutch Police Helicopter Snaps Aerial Wedding Photos for Couple While Flying By

One couple in The Netherlands received some unexpected wedding photos from an unofficial photographer this past weekend. A helicopter of the country's National Police Corps was flying by a field of flowers when it spotted the couple in the midst of a wedding photo shoot. The crew managed to snap some beautiful aerial shots of the couple.

Canadian Prime Minister Randomly Drops in on Couple’s Wedding Photos

Wedding photographers always try to prepare themselves for unexpected events and unplanned photo ops, but there's no way photographer Laura Kelly was expecting what happened this past weekend. While photographing couple Jocelyne Potvin and Patrick Sullivan on their wedding day, an unexpected guest came in to the frame: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Tuna Fishers Place Camera in Torpedo, Capture Amazing Footage of Dolphins

On Monday, a group of four friends went on a fishing trip in the Pacific Ocean. Taking their boat "A Salt Weapon" 20 miles west of Santa Cruz, Mark Peters, Jeremy, Dave, and William were expecting a fun-filled day of albacore tuna hunting. What they ended up capturing was so much more.

Wanting to save some memories of their trip and film their battles with tuna from underwater, Peters decided to bring along a GoPro Hero 2 camera fitted inside a $50 custom-made torpedo.