
A sketch showing a person standing atop a building, observing a sprawling cityscape with binoculars. the style is dynamic, with rough pencil lines capturing urban details and a few flying vehicles.

New Media, New Rules: Reimagining Photojournalism

When was the last time you saw a great news picture? Or a piece of reportage that truly made an impact? Regardless of your opinion of the winners, did you see any of the World Press images winners when they were actually published for the first time?

A digital artwork of a person wearing headphones, sitting at a desk with a laptop, against a vibrant pixelated cityscape at sunset. the scene conveys a futuristic, tech-inspired ambiance.

AI is Corrupting the Internet as We Know It

The internet is being overrun by fake and bogus AI imagery and text. The question is, what are we going to do about it? The internet has always had a problem with misinformation, but that problem is being accelerated by AI and the deluge of fabricated lies and deceit. Is it not important that the truth is determined by how it matches up with reality?

AI Imagery May Destroy History As We Know It

Artificial intelligence images have the potential to misinform the future. For the first time in the technological present, we are on the cusp of a life-and-art-altering explosion of intentionally created dis-informational imagery.

2022 Was Officially the Year of the Mirrorless Camera

Camera manufacturers have long told us that the future was mirrorless and - as if there was any doubt - Canon and Nikon even joined the party as far back as 2018, yet compact cameras and DSLRs have stubbornly refused to die. With 2022 well and truly over, we can now safely say that it was the year of the mirrorless camera and this marks some profound changes across the board for the industry as a whole.

Blurry Photo

Bad Photos are ‘In’ Now, and That’s Okay

Today, I want to talk about bad photos. I'm not talking negatively about them either, because bad photos are in fashion right now. I can hear the sound of a million angry perfectionist photographers thrashing at their keyboards, but hear me out.

The Changing Fortunes of Japanese Camera Manufacturers

Earlier this month Olympus revealed some of the thought process behind the 2020 sale of its camera division in which the company jettisoned it in order to pursue greater stability and profitability from its broad portfolio of medical technology. This is in stark contrast to Nikon, which has wiped the slate clean and started again. What is going on with Japanese camera manufacturers and are there any lessons to be learned?

Mirrorless Continues Its Inexorable Rise At the Expense of the DSLR

The death of the DSLR was always in the cards - as soon as Nikon and Canon entered the mirrorless fray in 2018 it was not a case of if, but when. However, what was perhaps not expected was the rapidity with which the sales rug would be pulled from beneath DSLR consumers' feet. It's all or nothing when it comes to mirrorless.

The Camera Sales Forecast for 2022 Isn’t as Bad as CIPA Makes it Sound

The news of falling camera shipments is like the dripping of a faucet. It comes with a regular, steady, beat, and just when you think it has stopped... plink, there it goes again! So perhaps it's no surprise that CIPA -- the trade body for manufacturers -- has a downbeat forecast for 2022, but strangely seems to have missed the good news!

Photography is Dead! Long Live the Photographer!

The gentleman that I (and countless others) learned photography from is one O.P. Sharma, an internationally recognized, black-and-white film photographer. He is one of the masters of photography. He founded the India International Photography Council and was the driving force behind establishing 19 August as International Photography Day every year.

A Review of Visual Technology in 2021

Within its half-open, half-closed status, 2021 will be remembered as a transition year: A melting pot between ending lockdowns, …

Lenses facing upwards on a table

Which Lenses Hold Their Value Better, Zooms or Primes?

Let's take a look at some of the data with regard to the latest trends in camera gear buying, trading, and selling. Specifically, we'll take a look at what lenses hold on to their value better: primes or zooms.

An illustration of a photographer in front of a declining sales chart

Back Where We Started: The Camera Industry is Again a Bit-Part Player

Remember those heady days of 2010? The release of the iPhone 4 and iPad, the New Orleans Saints won Superbowl XLIV, Iron Man 2 hit the cinemas, Eminem released Recovery, and Biden was Vice-President. It was also the year when camera shipments peaked at over 120 million units. How did the industry become the bit-part player it now is, shifting 9 million units just ten short years later?

PaaS: Photography as a Service

The age of the camera is slowly coming to an end—especially the bulky DSLR and all its associated declinations.

The Fragmentation of Photojournalism

In photojournalism, where and how people get their news matters. A quick takeaway of Reuters Digital News Report 2021 shows that the news market is exploding into a multitude of topic-specific verticals and various mediums at the same time.

The Inevitable Convergence of Social Media, Commerce, and Visual Content

You walk through the supermarket aisle until you face various choices for the product you wish to eat. In the case of cereals, it can be 20 or more different options. You reach out and pick one, which you feel is the right decision based on a well-educated process.

Stats and Insights From the Websites of the Top 100+ Photographers

What are famous photographers doing right on their websites? Or better yet, what are they doing awfully wrong despite being successful? In this detailed research report, I thoroughly reviewed over 100 individual websites (from the most well-known photographers out there) to try to uncover all of that.

2020 CIPA Figures Confirm the Expected: It Was a Rough Year

CIPA, the Camera and Imaging Products Association, has published its final report of camera sales and volume for 2020 and the numbers confirm what was expected: the annual downward trend of the market has continued, with 2020's numbers further damaged by the COVID-19 pandemic. But it's not all bad news.