
Photographer Goes Stop-Motion Skiing on His Living Room Floor

Barcelona-based photographer, filmmaker, and skiier Philipp Klein Herrero was going to go on a ski trip with his family before lockdown hit and they all got stuck inside. But Herrero decided to go skiing anyway... on his living room floor, that is.

Make Your Own Film Developer and Fixer Using These Household Items

Last week, photographer Brendan Barry created a timely tutorial on how to turn your bedroom into a giant camera, and use it to take actual pictures. But what if you don't have any photographic chemicals around for developing and fixing those images? Barry's got you covered.

You Can Use Any Lamp in Your House as a Tripod

Photographer and YouTuber Peter McKinnon has just shared a brilliant little camera hack that's blowing people's minds. In his most recent 2-minute tips video, he shows how any bedside lamp can be used as an impromptu tripod (monopod, actually).