
Thieves May Be Selling Your Photos on Shutterstock

While looking at my own images on Shutterstock, I noticed the Shutterstock algorithm was suggesting my photos as “similar” images. I thought it was a bug on the Shutterstock website until I noticed that others had downloaded my photos from other sites then uploaded them to Shutterstock. Shutterstock’s similar photos algorithm then noticed this and suggested the stolen photos along with my photos.

Frustrations in Stock Photography

I should start off by saying that I am not a big contributor to stock photography agencies. I did take the plunge into agencies like Shutterstock and Getty Images when I was moving into digital 10 or so years ago, but I found my niche elsewhere.

Shutterstock Recreates Infamous Fyre Festival Promo Using Only Stock Clips

Fyre Festival was a "luxury music festival" that failed spectacularly back in 2017 after attracting a huge amount of interest with a viral photo and video marketing blitz. Shutterstock has released this 30-second video to show how the wildly expensive Fyre Festival promo video could have been created at a tiny fraction of the cost.

This Stock Photo Fail Was Spotted at a Supermarket in Poland

This line of hand mixers was spotted in Poland in a Biedronka store (the largest discount supermarket chain). Instead of properly using licensed Shutterstock stock photos that come without watermarks, the graphic designers used watermark versions. And apparently, no one noticed (or cared).

Want to Sell Stock Photos? Here’s a Comparison of Major Services

Up until just recently I always scoffed at selling my work as stock photography. Let's call it youthful arrogance. I always felt my work was worth more and should be used for more important purposes. The problem was I wasn't good at selling my work independently either. Promises Photographers Full Licensing Control of Their Images

In an attempt to potentially flip the imaging licensing market on its head, has launched a new platform that puts the photographers in control for a change. By allowing image creators to manage every aspect of the process -- from prices, to what the license entails -- they're hoping to completely change who holds the power in the image licensing marketplace.


Shutterstock Stock Booming, Its Founder Becomes First Silicon Alley Billionaire

It's rather obvious that money is to be made in the stock photo industry. Shutterstock founder Jon Oringer is finding tremendous success with his 55 percent stake his the company. Since filing for an IPO and selling its shares publicly last October, Shutterstock's stock value has more than tripled. In the process, Oringer has become Silicon Alley's first billionaire.

Shutterstock Files for IPO, Reveals Its Internal Facts and Figures

This past Monday, stock photography behemoth Shutterstock filed documents with the SEC to have an IPO and list its shares on the New York Stock Exchange. The process requires Shutterstock to reveal its financial details, so the document provides an interesting look at how the company ticks and the state of the stock photography industry.