
Photographer Recreates Vintage Lens Ads with His Own Glass

Remember those old lens advertisements you would see decades ago while flipping through magazines like National Geographic? Photographer Aaron Arizpe recently tried his hand at recreating the look and feel of those ads using his own lenses and editing skills.

23 Famous Movie Poster Photos Without Text

Famous movies often have iconic movie posters that are easily recognizable at a glance. We've collected text-less versions of 23 different posters to offer a closer look at the photos that are used to create them.

The Expendables 3 Promo Posters Feature Pointless Studio Lights that Do Nothing

Okay, it's probably safe to say that ONLY photography nerds and photo websites will notice this, but for those of us who fit into those two categories the posters below sit somewhere between amusing and annoying.

You see, the Expendables 3 promo posters revealed recently feature studio lights in the frame because, well, they give the photos a certain 'star studded' feel. The problem is, the lights are frequently pointless and sometimes look like they're lighting up something that is actually in shadow.

‘Head Shots’ Photo Series Parodies Violent Posters by Making the Photog the Victim

Artist Jon Burgerman thinks there are too many violent film posters greeting us everywhere we go. These posters of movie and TV show characters holding weapons are all too common, and most of them show the protagonist brandishing their weapon right at the viewer.

And so, Burgerman decided to fight back using a little bit of fake blood, a sense of humor and photography.

Humorous Tongue-in-Cheek Posters for Photographers

Template and Photoshop action maker The Shoppe Designs has been making a humorous series of posters called Shoppe Satire. Each graphic pokes fun at some aspect of the photography business, with inside jokes that certain types of photographers will be able to relate quite well with.

Clever Photos Showing Famous Movie Posters from Behind

Here's a clever advertisement idea done by Brazilian ad agency Y&R Sao Paulo and photographer Lúcio Cunha. They took the iconic posters of famous movies (Kill Bill, Forrest Gump, and Pretty Women) and created photos showing what they would look like if viewed from behind.

Give Your Room a Beautiful Skyline View Using an Ordinary Printer

After moving into their new dorm room, Caleb Ungewitter and his roommate Kyle decided that their walls looked too empty, so they decided to decorate it with a photo. Not just any photo, mind you, but a gigantic do-it-yourself print of a beautiful city skyline. Using a free program called The Rasterbator, they converted the photograph into 152 separate frames, which they printed out themselves and attached to the wall in a grid.