
How to Create a Strong Focal Point and Manage Attention Inside Your Photos

Focal point is a term that photographers and photography blogs throw around continually. “Create a focal point,” it’s said, “it should be the first and last place the eye goes in your image.” That’s true, of course, but like most important things it’s easier said than done.

3 Photo Styling Tips to Improve Your Instagram Still Life Photos

Unlike with most genres of photography, still life requires two levels of composition: composing your frame, and composing your props. The latter is commonly called photo styling, and this short video offers three simple tips for upping your photo styling game.

The Photographer’s DIET: The 4 Key Elements that Make a Great Photo

What's the 'recipe' for a great photograph? As we embark on this new 365-day journey called "2017," our friends at COOPH teamed up with photographer Craig Semetko to answer this question; and he believes it all comes down to 4 key elements: Design, Information, Emotion, and Timing.

4 Critical Tips for Shooting in Extreme Cold

I know that for a lot of people, the cold keeps them inside, but it can be really rewarding to go out in the bitter cold. Tonight I got the bug to go out and shoot, but the air temp was -15°F (-26°C), with a windchill of -30°F (-34°C).

Quick Tip: How to Take Holiday Photos with LED Christmas Lights

It's the holiday season and everyone's favorite photography background prop is Christmas lights. It used to be pretty easy to get these photos to come out perfect, but with the rise in popularity of LED lights, there's some weird stuff that happens if you don't have the right camera settings.

25 Tips for Taking Great Photos of Children

Anyone who has ever tried to take pictures of children knows how challenging it can be. They don’t have attention spans, they don’t listen, and they switch from happy to grumpy within seconds for seemingly no reason at all.

How to Direct a Young, Inexperienced Model During a Photo Shoot

As a photographer on set, it's your job to get the most out of your models—to make them feel comfortable, and help them help you achieve your vision. In this great video, photographer Clinton Lubbe of dphog explains how to do this when your model is young, inexperienced, or both.

Tilt-Shift Lenses: How They Work and How to Use Them

Everybody knows tilt-shift lenses can be used to get a "miniature" effect, but many photographers are oblivious to their other, more traditional applications, and even fewer understand exactly how these lenses work. The folks at LensPro ToGo are here to clear things up.

How I Capture Genuine Moments with Complete Strangers

I’ve got a love/hate relationship with lifestyle photography. Lifestyle photography for me photos that feel like candid moments where a person is looking at you and not your camera. Each photograph feels like the viewer is with them living in the moment with whomever is in the photograph, and I love that.

10 Instagram Tips for Photographers

Small pictures can make a big difference in a mobile-driven world.

Quite often other photographers tell me “I don’t have time for another social network and I don’t need Instagram.” Yet they spend hours posting on Facebook, 500px and Flickr where almost zero potential clients will see their work.

Top Tips for Shooting Your First Family Photography Session

Family photography can be incredibly rewarding, although is not without its potential pitfalls. Some children love having their photos taken and will perform for the camera. Others would rather be anywhere else than standing in a posed group shot with mum and dad.

Before and After ‘Levitation’ Photos, Plus Tips and Tricks

'Levitation' photos are a fun, and not overly complicated style of photography. But if you really want to create believable levitation shots, there are some tips and tricks that will really help. Enter photographer Christopher James (@christopher.james).

My Guide for Attending Your First Photography Workshop

I have been a model for 1 to 1 workshops that last half a day, full day, two days. I have been a model also for a 3-day long workshop with over 50 photographers. Working on both sides of the camera I can get incredibly passionate about being part of workshops, but I can get equally distraught because when you deal with people in such close proximity and so intensively, emotions and feelings are bound to be stirred in every single direction.

10 Positive Ways to Handle Rejection as a Photographer

If you can't handle rejection, you will never make it as a creative professional. It's as simple as that. Rejection is part and parcel of a career in photography, so here are 10 healthy, positive ways to deal with rejection as a photographer.

Basic Smartphone Street Photography Tips by VSCO Academy

Street photography is one of the easiest genres to get into, and one of the hardest to build up the courage to actually try. Hopefully, this quick video by VSCO Academy will show you just how simple it can be to start capturing great street shots.

7 Lessons Learned On My First Fashion Photography Shoot

I recently had the great pleasure of shooting fashion photography for the first time with Suede Brooks (model), fellow photographer Bil Brown (he arranged it all), as well with stylists and makeup professionals, and Cindy (creative director, and lighting assistant).

Portrait Tip: Flash and Shade Don’t Mix, Here’s How You Fix That

Nearly every photographer has spent a portion of a session bouncing from tree to tree, placing their subjects in the patches of shade that these saviors provide. After all, it tends to be one of the easiest settings to work in. Your subject’s eyes are relaxed, your camera’s meter is calm, and if you’re lucky you get to cool off too.

This Simple Trick Helps You Find the Right Adapter for Any Lens

If anybody knows how to mount a weird lens, it's got to be the creator of "Weird Lens Reviews" Mathieu Stern. And now, he's sharing one of the super simple tricks he uses to find the working distance of any lens so he can create or buy the right adapter for it.