
A triptych image: Left shows hands adjusting oversized sunglasses on a mural with a cartoon face. Center depicts a modern, cable-stayed bridge with two golden spires. Right features a golden Buddha statue wearing sunglasses with a street sign behind.

Photographing Compelling Urban Scenes With Martin Lindner

Martin Lindner is a German photographer and Adobe Lightroom Ambassador known for capturing captivating images with unique perspectives in urban environments. Lindner’s use of shapes, patterns, symmetry, and leading lines create images that ask his viewers to use their imaginations to decipher the story being told in the frame.

Camera height for wildlife photography

The Power of Camera Height in Wildlife Photography

Expert wildlife photographer Steve Perry of Backcountry Gallery showcases the power of camera height in a new educational video. One of the most powerful and effective ways to change a wildlife photo's story is by shooting from different heights relative to the subject.

A Perspective on Photography as Meditation

Some years ago I wrote about the (now fairly obvious seeming) perspective of photography as a process of grounded, present awareness in order to achieve a result.

I Picked Up My First Camera in 2008, and It Has Changed My Life

For anyone who isn’t interested in this wonderful art form we call photography, it might seem pretty straightforward: using a camera to capture an image. However, as many of us know, photography is so much more, once you go beyond the surface level.

photographer with camera and lens

When Composing a Photo, Think About Where the Camera Is

As a photographer, you might be out on the street or at a vantage point in the landscape. You raise the viewfinder to your eye, compose the framing that you envisioned, then click the shutter. You have a picture that was acquired using the technical elements at your creative disposal: focal length, shutter speed, and aperture. But where was the camera?

Kandao QooCam EGO

The Kandao QooCam EGO Shoots and Displays 3D Photos

Kandao, a virtual reality technology company, has announced the QooCam EGO, what it calls the world's first handheld stereoscopic camera. It is a pocket-sized 3D camera and display device that allows photographers to shoot, edit, view, and share 3D photos.

A Mesmerizing Aerial Timelapse of Sheep Herding in Israel

Haifa, Israel-based aerial photographer Lior Patel shot this mesmerizing timelapse video showing a bird's-eye view of sheep being herded in his country. From this perspective, the flock looks almost fluid-like, flowing through the green pastures, through gates, and around objects.

What Defines an ‘Interesting’ Photo and How Do You Create One?

Why do we create photos? Well, for a variety of reasons, but the one reason that connects them all is we feel we have made something that we want to share and we feel is worth time and attention. So, how can we create photos that are worthy of another’s time and attention?

Photography Composition Tip and Assignment: Get Closer

The goal of most photography compositions is to create an image with a clear and distinct subject that creates interest for the viewer. There are many ways to create interest in a photo, but one of my favorites, and one of the easiest to accomplish, is to get closer to the subject and fill most or all of the frame.

Why Mirrorless Wins: We’ve Come a Long Way and I’m Not Going Back

In 2018 with some trepidation I bought my first mirrorless camera, a Nikon Z7. It wasn’t because I thought it was better than the DSLR I had been using but because my old muscles were spasming with the weight of the camera I was using and I hoped that a package a pound lighter would help me keep on working.

Shooting Portraits Inside a London COVID Hospital

I first came to the hospital back in June, having decided that the stories and experiences of the front line staff shouldn’t be forgotten. We’d all seen inside the Italian hospitals, but when the virus hit the UK, there was nothing coming out of the UK, so I made it my mission to gain access and document the life and death struggles going on behind closed doors.

These Photos Show How Easy it is to Create ‘Fake News’ with Photography

A Danish photo news agency recently tasked two of its photogs with creating a series that shows how easy it is to lie through photography. By shooting before and after photos of the same scene, they showed how angle and perspective can, consciously or not, manipulate viewers and lead to accusations of fake news.

10 Tips for Photographing ‘Abstract Landscapes’

As a landscape photographer I’m a big fan of grand vistas and photographing with wide angle lenses. But sometimes the smaller things can be just as impressive. In this little article I'll be sharing some tips that will hopefully give you some inspiration when photographing abstracts. And when you start to see them, you can’t stop photographing them. It’s very addicting!

Modern Cameras, or: A Look at Two Decades of Progress

Twenty years. They have gone by fast. I can remember the first time I saw a camera with a screen on the back of it at a sporting venue, and now a camera without one is considered vintage. However, the look of modern cameras is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to changes.

Turtle Wears GoPro, Captures Exciting Pond Life

Kyle Naegeli, AKA The Fish Whisperer, recently strapped a GoPro camera to the back of a turtle and let it go inside a small pond. As the 4-minute video above shows, some fascinating turtle's-eye views of the world resulted.