
These Before and After Photos Show How Glaciers in the US Are Melting

Over the past several years, the U.S. Geological Survey has been shooting a "Repeat Photography" project in various locations to show how glacier ice has been retreating over the past century. Using photos from the late 1800s and early 1900s as references, photographers are rephotographing those same scenes to show how things have changed (and are changing).

Melting Away: A Decade of Arctic and Antarctic Photography by Camille Seaman

More than a decade ago, photographer Camille Seaman visited Alaska, Svalbard and Antarctica, and thus began a love affair with the polar regions that spanned 10 years and tens of thousands of photographs.

Now, the best of her images of icebergs, animals, and Arctic and Antarctic landscapes are being compiled into the photo book Melting Away, poised to be released just as the debate over climate change and its impact reaches a fever pitch.

Artist Creates Incredible ‘Melting’ Sculpture Illusion Using Strobes and Still Images

What you see in the video above is a real sculpture that does, in fact, look as if it is perpetually melting right before your eyes. But while creating the exact sculpture took months of design and engineering work, the photographic technique behind it was invented as long ago as 100 BC.

What you're looking at is a three-dimensional "zoetrope," an animation device that created the illusion of motion using lighting effects or a sequence of still images (in this case, it's a mix of clever sculpting and well-timed strobes).